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Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)

Started by blackhound, Dec 15, 2013, 07:28 PM

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for and today in the dance of pales quest :) I was really kind of in a constant state of awe and admiration. The npcs had custom names and custom costumes (most of them anyways). The guards had specifically tailored armors and weapons (and background - harmonium something?) and the set up with all these people walking about and the different personalities - and even interludes like the dwrven murderer fugitive who was apprehended? Wow .. I really didn't stop getting out of this state of awe. And on top of it I really felt this magic of immersion also. :o

If you have not already been on a quest with ladybug and edge I really, really recommend you do. These two are a dream team that work so flawlessly together you think its just one dm when it is infact two.

And as if that wasn't enough this quest and all these lovely memories and fond feelings coincided with Nayu getting her last level today :) So I will remember this special day even more fondly and it will be a warm memory accompanying me.

Thank you!! :)


Thank you to  and  for Planar Adventures Ho! last night. It was a really lovely wonderful little event prepared with such care and attention to detail :) I had lots of fun, and got to play a side of Shaan that is rarely seen. We had such a great time that the group reconvened on main server to eat and drink and discuss all they'd experienced for quite some time afterwards.

(And Shaan got to feed a hellhound a whole bag of sugar cookies. Poor Milky, P'zel is going to be insufferable.)


  and   for today's dance of pales. I already said it online but I want to say out here again. It was awesome! So flawless and smoothly run and I loved the story and narrative and the way and feel you guys generated. It was glorious \o/ This is the kind of quest I always hoped for since I started playing online nwn :)

(special shout out for  for spending hours to help decorate for the quest!)


A shout-out to for a quest that went in every way completely different from expectations. Thumbs up for plot twist central, and very well executed at that. Also huzzah for an opportunity for Aida to add a new title or two to her name.
Kestal | Bernadette | Eden | Tonya | Vaszayne | Koravia | Alastriona | Natascha | Emari | Urilias-Zhjaeve | Hiltrude | Tatya | Dioufn | Aida | Cyrillia | Megan | etc.
DM Tiamat | Szuriel | Maedhbh | Cassilda


 - you did awesome with your event! I like the mix of major adventure and minor intrigue. Also liked having Fade practice her persuasion skills, which she often does not use (often an intimidate sort!). 

"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow


okay, I am going to start :)  and  for the dance of pales series which ended today! It was honestly above and beyond amazing, awesome and lovely! I felt like I was in that perfect quest that I always wondered if it existed in online play, the kind you wonder about if it is only in your ideal fantasy world. It wasn't! These two dms made it reality on our lovely server :)

Many people complimented in their own words but what all had in common is that their hearts said "<3" for this amazing story arc in a very loud and clear fashion. Much love to you two dms! And to  who helped with decorations and even co-dmed once.

I noticed that each and every character was considered, given ample chance to shine and attended in ways that didn't make you worry or fear for grimdark situations. To me the quest had a feeling of overwhelming positivity even though, in game of course, the situation was dire and very dangerous!! I loved this, I felt oocly safe although ingame all manners of chaos, peril and dangers were in abundance!

WHat I also liked especially was the way the transitions between episodes and within episodes were done. It all had a very organic feel to them and it felt smooth. Not once did I feel that feeling of "disconnect" which disrupts immersion. Not a single time. I always felt like I was there and then episode ended it didn't feel abrupt or "disconnecting" in any way. So very well done!

There were also a lot ofcustom descriptions and very innovative and creative traps, decorations and systems and mechanisms featured! It really felt like we were entering an evil villain's super laboratory with all those innovations. And the descriptions! They were amazing and full of detail and life and creativity.

All of it (and I mean all of it!) was just so well done that I felt wonderful all the way to the end and even now I have this warma nd tingly feeling. I will remember and think back fondly to this quest arc and I am certain so will the others :)

Thank you so much again! And please take good care of yourselves too now, you have really out done yourselves! :)




A very special thank you to DM Fae Fae. I much appreciated the help given to me! :) :)


Huge thank you to Ladybug and and everyone else for the fantastic fun on the Sugerbomb quest!! *huggles*


Thank you to the DMs and players at the witches Market this evening.. I had a lot of fun!! :) :)


Thanks to Mystic Warden for being very friendly and answering so many of my questions!

Thanks to FaeFae for immediately including me in RP and also tolerating a lot of questions and general chattiness.


for the giants quest continuation, it was, as always pure quality, experience and a bliss to participating in :) for the quest directly following edge's where we prepared for amazingly well crafted and thought out long term server spanning story arc against the zhentarim.

Many consecutive hours of rp and everyone was so active and amazing! :)

Thank you!


FTT: Fairy Tale Theater:

Wanted to thank Reality Jumper for the great fun I had today! The creativity and story was much appreciated and tons of fun! :) :)

Thank you also to all the plays.. had a blast!


and for the Zhentarim/Stonehaven temple infiltration quest to attack a portal. I imagine that was a very, very tricky quest to set up and pull off because we probably only saw the tip of the iceberg in regards to things needing considered and planned.

It felt really seamless and smooth and I found it very intense and it had me on the edge my chair the entire time :o