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Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)

Started by blackhound, Dec 15, 2013, 07:28 PM

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Thanks DM Nokteronoth for yesterday's quest. It was fun, very unique and gave some interesting roleplay hooks to keep following the plot in the next games.


A belated thanks to Nokteronoth for the excellent Maraan questline, which packed plenty of emotional hooks for all the characters involved, as well as just a hint of otherworldly legend to make us feel appropriately awed. It was a thoroughly enjoyable experience all around!

10/10 would get ass kicked again.


Thanks to all the Admins and DMs that keep the server running. Y'all rule.


Thanks to DM Mystic Warden! Our trip to tackle the gem of life quest intro with a veritable small army, got beautifully derailed ... into the FAR REALM! (Presumably!)

It was my first ad-hoc DM event (And any DM event here actually) here, and it was a great time, with scary consequences possible, and a real looming idea of the goings on behind the scenes. 

Rhiannon has a LOT more to talk about now, so thanks! <3 


Loved the surprise event today. Thanks!  So much for the fun :D


Someone needs to give Nok some more love. Not only for all the cool rp stuff, for accepting the headaches of being a senior DM. We love you homie.


Giving my thanks to   for an amazing and (brainmatter-) challenging plot yesterday. It was really fun figuring out how to handle the situation and how to talk with the land, and how the characters each played a specific role to take down the beast! Thanks for an amazing time~ <3

Also thank you  for the mind baffling end to the wrath's shadow questline I got to be a part of, if only the last two chapters. It was unexpected, but very amazing and well executed.

And a huge thank you to all the DMs and Admins for keeping the server running as it is! <3


Thanks Reality Jumper, the last quest yesterday was so much fun and awesome, thanks! :)


Shantis Avatar
Thanks Reality Jumper, the last quest yesterday was so much fun and awesome, thanks! :)

Was a character changing experience. Thank you so much RJ!


I want to second Siniy's praise for Edge. That plot was very long and convoluted, but very emotional at the end, and I enjoyed it a great deal!
"Hello, dashings and darlings!" - Melody


The first adventure in the "gem's the breaks" series was super fun, and the NPCs that the Dm team brought to life for us had me chuckling the whole night through. I can't WAIT for the next installment, y'all were wonderful worldbuilders in there, and it felt plenty real! <3 Thanks!


I want to thank Dismus for the Shazzelurt plot thus far. It's been really entertaining and I'm looking forward to more. :)

I also want to thank Edge for his overall plots lately, you are a complete trooper for doing so many, you deserve a break!

And I really want to thank Nok for his music box plot, you have an amazing attention to detail over everything that impresses me every time I hear about it. I'm glad I'm getting to experience it!
"Hello, dashings and darlings!" - Melody


RJ - Reality Jumper

Last night on "Family Issues" you provided a story with a fun and subtle beginning, introduced a mystery and a little drama, sprinkled in some danger, and ended up making a story that not only will I not soon forget, but that exceeds anything I'd been able to think of for Rhia (And Korra!) so far! During that adventure, I laughed, I teared up, and laughed some more. Thank you for taking a little information, and making a LOT of story to play with. I'm looking forward to seeing Morrolan again sometime for certain, and love the direction the story went. 

Thank you for being an excellent storyteller, and letting us experience it! 


A massive thank you to for running my first personal quest tonight! It was pitch perfect and gave everyone spots to shine and room to express their characters. I couldn't have asked for better!
