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Thank you for the positive RP experience.

Started by dom101, Dec 16, 2013, 02:23 AM

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Had a lot of fun tonight with folks!
Oni, Dominique is really brash and fun. I enjoyed listening to her observations.
Nim Elen, your emotes are like poetry and you should feel awesome for the depth of character you convey.
RJ, I'll never be able to spell the character name you played but excellent work on painting the image of her demeanor.
Blackhair should take a class on wine lore. Sheesh.
Mista and Sophia were lovely to have around and made for great company.
Daea, for completing the Elvening with fantastic, reliable character and eloquence.

Really, just positive sentiments all around. You made an evening worthwhile.
Next time they should all play a drinking game.


Just wanted to thank all those I've had the chance to interact with since coming back and starting playing again. In particular, I'd like to thank for the way Galen has really been digging into Voss as a character and trying to uncover the answers to some difficult questions about what makes him tick.

Thanks for reminding me how great rp here can be.


Thanks to onivel and carp for the longest walk ever!! We need to get together and role play more.

Also, thanks to wangdoodle for keeping me company. :)


Way delayed, but many thanks to , , for your awesome RP during the "Sottle" events for Stonehaven.  It's truly refreshing to see characters who consider carefully their actions and possible consequences.

I love DMing rogue stuff, and you've helped remind me of why.  :)


Want to thank    for the rp last night between Voss and Serrin. It's refreshing to see and interact with a character who was able to offer so many insights into Voss' situation and mindset despite only a handful of interactions while at the same time staying true to his faith, calling, and family.

Anyone who has not rped with this player or interacted with Serrin in game, you should try to cross paths with him if you get the chance.

Also, before I forget, I wanted to thank  . I've only had a few interactions with Hilda, but they've left a lasting impression on both myself and my character. I really like how Hilda is at once a competent, seasoned warrior but still never comes off as 'knowing everything' or 'having seen too much'. I hope you had as much fun at the Serpent as we all did,  , and I look forward to interacting with your characters and getting to know them more in the future.

  deserves praise and baked goods of deliciousness for the portrayal of Frana Hardhands as a grandmotherly, wizened forest gnome. Every interaction with this character has reminded me of my own grandmother, rest her soul, and has taken me back to childhood memories of baked pies, sun coming in through the window, and -everything- being homemade.   is a sweetheart to interact with both IC and OOC, and Frana is one of those special characters who just make the gameworld a little brighter every time you see her, whether your character is good, evil, or neutral. Thanks so much for bringing that to CD.

Lastly, I want to thank for the always fun interactions with Vyi and the way he plays Elisha. These characters have both been around on the server since way before I even knew CD existed and in my interactions with them display a constant, consistent character that really makes the world feel like a living, persistent one. Don't let the fact that Vince is an admin or the fact that he designs all the nasty dungeons that keep killing everyone turn you away from any opportunity you get to interact with his characters. I can guarantee it will be a memorable experience for you as a player and have lots of potential to be a defining one for your characters.


sinisteromnibus Avatar
Want to thank     for the rp last night between Voss and Serrin. It's refreshing to see and interact with a character who was able to offer so many insights into Voss' situation and mindset despite only a handful of interactions while at the same time staying true to his faith, calling, and family.

Back at you mate.   Was a very interesting exchange and nice to get back to flexing the RP muscles of the brain.


, Thedran's player (can't find your forum name, sorry!),  all deserve major props for the awesome rp tonight in 's Darker Churches event. This was one of the first times I've been able to have an extended rp session with some of you, and I was really impressed. I look forward to more in the future, and I hope you guys all had as much fun as I did. See you all for the next part when puts it up!


 has been doing an awesome job lately with Alestra. This is a character that came out of nowhere for both myself as a player and Voss as a character with her openness and serenity. The two characters have interacted a few times now, and I have found each interaction more enjoyable and more intriguing than the last. Truly a great character piloted by an excellent roleplayer, and I encourage anyone who has not yet to go out of your way to meet Alestra.

Also, just wanted to thank all those players who have been going out of their way lately to rp with me despite issues they had with me in the past. I know for a lot of you it's not something easy to do, and I truly do appreciate you taking the chance on me again. In particular, thanks to , , , , and  for all the rp over the last few days.


I must say the RP between us and Mouse has been interesting, also kudos to Silence and Sophia, couldn't pull myself away till 2:30 in the morning as I was enjoying it far too much!
Loss of empathy might well be the most enduring and deep-cutting scar of all, the silent blade of an unseen emey, tearing at our hearts and stealing more than our strength- Drizzt Do'Urden


sinisteromnibus Avatar
Also, before I forget, I wanted to thank   . I've only had a few interactions with Hilda, but they've left a lasting impression on both myself and my character. I really like how Hilda is at once a competent, seasoned warrior but still never comes off as 'knowing everything' or 'having seen too much'. I hope you had as much fun at the Serpent as we all did,   , and I look forward to interacting with your characters and getting to know them more in the future.

Thank you! It has been super fun playing here and everyone I've met and RP'd with has been so wonderful. Thank you again. ^.^


Long time coming...

For the roleplay with my main Daeatria, which has recently been increasingly picking up again. 

Nayu (        ): It has been interesting to see how Alyssana was once the one who counseled Nayu through her roughest times. Now it is the other way around, where Daeatria is often speaking with Nayu about things she could not trust to many other elves. Daeatria seems to always approach her now for some of her burdens of the soul, knowing that Nayu is not one who would think less of her for being on a conflated binary regarding her kind, yet all the more torn because of it. Speaking of which...

Rhea (@belladonna        ): I know that Rhea and Daeatria are often having to do separate things and not always working as much together as they used to (in part because of my DMing too), but Rhea still holds a special place in Daeatria's heart. Rhea used to be someone Daeatria both envied and was not sure to trust because of different social considerations when they were new characters, and now Rhea is one of the few Daeatria trusts. It has been an interesting evolution over the years, seeing that there might be one other that Daeatria would certainly kill for or die for, no matter where her path takes her. Thank you for giving her that roleplay, especially with how dark the character is thematically. 

Sumest (        ): It has been a long time since Daeatria has been able to speak with Sumest on heart to heart matters, but it is a gift when they can. The roleplay with him and his seeking family has given her more children to look after as her own, even if they may not come from her womb. Even though the two are no longer the princess and the pirate as they once were, Daeatria still loves Sumest (in her own way). Thank you for having been around to still influence her even after what was naturally best for them ended up making them more apart spatially. 

(        ): I am amazed at how much Celi has grown over the years I have played with her. It has also been interesting to see how the estrangement between Daeatria and her brother had affected her relationship to Celi some. Now they are seeing sides of each other they had not seen before, which has been a long time coming. Celi got to see just how insecure, and flawed her sister-in-law is in the end, despite all the masks she wears to indicate otherwise! Somehow, Celi having a lot of those insecurities herself has led to the moment of understanding, something I will not forget! 

Zaeth (        ): Thank you so, so much for having been with Daeatria's story since her return to Cormyr and the Dalelands three years ago. It has been amazing to see how Zaeth has grown over the years, and how he had went from an utterly cruel and vicious elfish outcast to one who started to embrace some subdued elven tendencies - in his own way, and still a bit selfish. His cold rage has become much akin to Elaith Craulnober, and how he struggles with the ability to care yet unable to word it has also been amazing to see. When his noble qualities come out, it definitely makes one who knew him go, "Who is this guy?" While he still struggles with his more familiar ways. Anyone who has not had the chance to roleplay with Silverfeather with any of her toons (Zaeth or otherwise), please do so! Speaking of which...

Silence (        ): Sometimes histrionic in the way she conveys her thoughts and feelings, I like how well this character's lack of charisma is played through her social awkwardness. It is hard to take Silence seriously for some, but those who do see just how much of a gem she is to interact with, especially with what she has to fight with on a daily basis (having lost a mate, etc). I recommend anyone who has not tried to do any layer peeling with Silence to try with her when given the chance.

Paythin (        ): I know we have not had a ton of RP interactions lately, but the several times Paythin and Daeatria had worked together has proven quite a gift. His lack of knowing regarding the way a jaded, shady existence is has been endearing, and a reminder for rogue sorts that they live a world separate from others who can take on more direct methods. 

Ceriwynne (        ): It has been fascinating exploring this character and her layers. It is amazing to see how Ceriwynne and Daeatria had some common areas in their background, and not just the fact they come from the same general region of the Realms, only a forest or so apart. Further amazing is how their lives had also led them to different paths, especially with how much the father influences had...well, influenced them. Thank you so much for playing with my toon - especially during the times she does not always feel "in commune." 

Tuilelaith (        ): Your toon has been played very well and is always a delight to interact with. Lately Daeatria and her have been finding common grounds and goals, and ones not involving their current interest - that is, beyond simply both loving Eilira in their own way. I am looking forward to future roleplay between the two to see how they have common areas and foil each other. 

Valar (        ): This has been an interesting advance in their storyline. It is amazing to see the two starting to work more in the gray areas again and how they often end up supporting each other and keeping each other from losing themselves completely in the darkness. It will be interesting to see what happens when they have to deal with more rocks and hard places, and in betweens. 

Elf (        ): It has been interesting seeing how Elf and Daeatria interact of late. Namely and especially when they decide to talk more than just about business. The two still do not know everything there is to each other and their secret trading has become quite a delightful game! I look forward to having more RP interactions with the two, especially since it is not always an easy path they walk when in the Dalelands. 

Taures (       ,        ,  , ): Thank you for your roleplay and for giving Daeatria some interactions with the elves. I know it is always an interesting relationship between our PCs, as we have a family of Bladesingers or Bladesingers-at-heart who sometimes have to contend with the antics of an ex-assassin. It is clear they had all lived different lives, and trust is different for all of them. They also serve a reminder to Daeatria of her discrepancies with other elves. It is like part of them want to be friends and understand each other, yet they know that they are of different worlds, and often end up sticking with business relations regarding each other (with occasional hair-down moments). 

Teldrath (   ): Thank you for those times when Daeatria and Teldrath meet in the woods and engage each other. He has been an interesting character to interact with, especially as he is a half-elf who clearly values his elven side and is a right and proper Dalesfolk. Yet his place as a half-elf has afforded him to take liberties on his way of living and thinking that often cost an elf to do so. In kind, it has made him a lot more accepting of some of my toon's personality quirks and flaws (not to mention dark past), and he has grown into one of the few she trusts now. I look forward to the chance to roleplay with this character in the future. It is always a gift. Truly it is. 

And, even though she has not been around the past weeks...

Eilira (        ): Eilira has been the apple in Daeatria's eye, even when she started as a bratty younger cousin in her eyes. You play an innocent theurge and seer very well, and one who had grown over the years to understand just how evil the world can be - and the cost of being the people she once looked up to (e.g., some of her other family members). Seeing her face some evil unknown and how it had shaken her brings an interesting new story, one I look forward to learning as time goes by! 

Nazakra and Blackhair (         and        ): For occasionally entertaining Daeatria as she struggles with her existing crossroads in her life. It has definitely been a test with her!

Voss and Mouse (         and        ): For perhaps the only time these two and Daeatria really had any talks beyond going out and adventuring. There were drinks and a little layer peeling that I do not always get to experience with my toon. Thank you for the RP and for giving my toon things to think about in terms of her internal conflicts with who she is, what she is, and what she wants to be. It is a gift to have these sort of interactions with people! 

(   ): This character is always interesting when I interact with him with my main. The two are always having intellectual discussions and even debating strategy, yet there is this strange thing they deal with when they both are wild cards (in their own way) and are practically stuck in a cold-war like scenario at times. I want to see what happens next whenever we have a chance to RP with each other! 

For roleplay with Taly'siana, who I almost retired but now have been finding opportunities to bring into the scene again...

Iyashu: It has been amazing how he and Taly'siana had interacted over the six years of them being characters. They had off and on spoke with each other and had moments of resonating, only to not pursue any conversation further than that. Then one day, Iyashu became bold and brought up the serious talk with her! This certainly was a "about time" moment with these two, and they had both been amazingly well for each other and have both common and complementary quirks! I look forward to seeing more roleplay in the future! 

Sywyn (        ): Thank you for the meaningful conversations that he and Taly'siana had been engaged with, even if she may not always agree with how sporadic and eccentric he comes across to her! It is a good example of how these two are clearly of different ways of supporting the greater cause! 

Naleeah (@misplacedmaskarran): I know this player is not around anymore, but I wanted to mention that Naleeah was certainly an influence on Taly'siana and had made her more confident in herself and her ability to relate to others with romance. This was something that never evolved with the toon, and because of Naleeah, she had become less of a passive force when it comes to love (even while keeping innocent about it). 

And though I cannot find her of late, she deserves mention...

Rose (        ): Taly'siana had a BFF at some point, and shared her pain in being tricked by an erinyes with white wings to thwart an evil demonic force - but the erinyes obviously not doing it for the best reasons. The two did not find out until too late, and now both face something they have not anticipated facing. That is, evils that are not against sending the most noble souls against their foes. Seeing the two both somehow maintain their idealism afterward was endearing (even if they were less naive for it). 

Terus Shaelara and Kanitae Ravenshadow...And their interactions

Tebryn (@carp): Your toon has provided a third 'brother' figure to Triandal and Terus Shaelara when they are up to no good, sometimes escalating their already rowdy behavior with his own! It is hilarious when these guys feed off each other and go into playful competitions on who either can win the most ladies over or act the most stupidly heroic. Tebryn has also been a good person to have around Kanitae Ravenshadow, who has taken to seeing him a lot as a son to her.  Thank you for the roleplay! 

Triandal Shaelara (        ): Kanitae wants to punch him often enough, but I laugh every time they clash. I know Triandal is just out to chase girls who will beat him up - and it is funny and blatant, versus tastelessly indirect and creepy! His interactions with his older brother are just awesome and a recipe for disaster. Both are competitive over machismo things while also quite ready to defend each other against others who have a bone to pick with one or the other. It is a true bro-relationship (not to be confused with 'bromance', which Terus is apparently playing both of them for!). 

The Tentaziones (        ,        ,    , bella): Thank you for putting up with Kanitae Ravenshadow and her stiffness during the quest. It was amazing to see how she was so serious and everyone else was full of chaos. Yet they all found common ground to work together during FaeFae's events. I am hoping to have some more roleplay with this family, whether as Kanitae or as Taly'siana, who had interacted with Cara a few times before.

Mirabell: Your character is always a gift. If no one has roleplayed with this light hearted gnome before, I recommend it! She is funny and she is certainly a ball of chaos - even if she is not making inventions that explode the entire square. It is also amazing to see just how dedicated she is to fighting the good fight despite her comical endeavors. 

Everyone else...

(       ): Your barbarian was a treat when I saw her in my adhoc involving Dalelands stuff.
Your Silver Marches characters have been very well played and they clearly know and respect how the elves are from their area, without blindly bowing to the whims of the more nose-up ones. It is a very refreshing roleplay to experience and makes me feel like I have not just made things up with my elf-er toons! Thank you (and yours) for the treat. 

For those I have not mentioned yet, please accept this gesture of gratitude: Thank you for making this place my home. I had left a few times in the past for one reason or another, and it is this community that brings me back again and again. Please keep it going awesome! I look forward to roleplaying with you in the near future more, and seeing what stories unfold!

"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow


Blackhair (), Atarkus (), and Nazakra () for a fun let-hair-down moment. 10/10 would do it again!


"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow


Thanks to for all the great advice and role play since my playing times have picked up, again. You're always fun to interact with and I've been enjoying getting to know some of your characters better.

I have to say I have been very surprised by Ilcil. He isn't one to reveal too much of himself and I look forward to getting to know him better. Thanks, , for the in depth role play. We haven't had many chances to role play over the years. I'm glad I've had the opportunity, lately, to have fun with ya.

Thanks to the CD Community for helping to fill the world with so many interesting personalities with whom to converse and adventure. There are few NWN communities; but fewer whom have the talent and support found here. Thanks for giving me a place to dive into to forget the RL bullshit I face each day.


Recently, I want to thank    ,    ,    , @belladonna    and     for all the roleplay with Daeatria recently. Character development and her quest for finding herself again has been a work in progress, and all of you have helped make that roleplay fun.

I also want to thank    ,    ,    ,    ,    , , and     for having been around her of late as well. And thank everyone else who has been regularly going with me on dungeon crawls.


"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow


: Your sun elf has been a very witty interaction with Daeatria, and I really find the RP very fun and rewarding. It is not often people play an elven planeswalker, and being a big Planescape fan, I am sold! I hope to see more in the near future! Thank you for your awesome RP here!


"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow