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Druid Language scripted?

Started by twilightvixen, Nov 15, 2015, 02:57 PM

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so it needs to have two fuctions, cyper and decypher, right? Or is the plaintext message sent to the server, and the translation sent to the player's output stream? IE is the message encrypted and decrypted, or is the decryption one way? could you send me some sample code FW?


If Cormyr and the Dalelands does it like most servers... it will look something like this, to help with an example. :)

This is Draconic, and it assigns two letters for each one above in the translation.


string ConvertDraconic(string sLetter)
   if (GetStringLength(sLetter) > 1)
       sLetter = GetStringLeft(sLetter, 1);
   string sTranslate = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
   int iTrans = FindSubString(sTranslate, sLetter);

   switch (iTrans)
   case 0: return "e";
   case 26: return "E";
   case 1: return "po";
   case 27: return "Po";
   case 2: return "st";
   case 28: return "St";
   case 3: return "ty";
   case 29: return "Ty";
   case 4: return "i";
   case 5: return "w";
   case 6: return "k";
   case 7: return "ni";
   case 33: return "Ni";
   case 8: return "un";
   case 34: return "Un";
   case 9: return "vi";
   case 35: return "Vi";
   case 10: return "go";
   case 36: return "Go";
   case 11: return "ch";
   case 37: return "Ch";
   case 12: return "li";
   case 38: return "Li";
   case 13: return "ra";
   case 39: return "Ra";
   case 14: return "y";
   case 15: return "ba";
   case 41: return "Ba";
   case 16: return "x";
   case 17: return "hu";
   case 43: return "Hu";
   case 18: return "my";
   case 44: return "My";
   case 19: return "dr";
   case 45: return "Dr";
   case 20: return "on";
   case 46: return "On";
   case 21: return "fi";
   case 47: return "Fi";
   case 22: return "zi";
   case 48: return "Zi";
   case 23: return "qu";
   case 49: return "Qu";
   case 24: return "an";
   case 50: return "An";
   case 25: return "ji";
   case 51: return "Ji";
   case 30: return "I";
   case 31: return "W";
   case 32: return "K";
   case 40: return "Y";
   case 42: return "X";
   default: return sLetter;
   return "";
}//end ConvertDraconic

string ProcessDraconic(string sPhrase)


perfect, I'm going to write an impossible to decypher code :D