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OTY's Dark Souls 3 Scrapbook!

Started by Ogre Time Yay, Apr 12, 2016, 08:16 AM

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Vincent07 Avatar
Now if only I could be bothered to get screenshots from my xbone to pc... such a pain.
Go old school on it and take pictures from your phone.

Ogre Time Yay

*Whispers* ... I just want to fuck shit up...


*Begins eating the flesh* NOMMMNOMM MMM MMM!!! BITCHES!

Ogre Time Yay

These are for Demonic_Angel



Had a real bad day, man...

Ogre Time Yay

Progress 5

Did PvP against Smexy, was a good fight, got an impressive Parry in on me. GG :D


Face me, creature! I shall defeat you with my magical barbarian karate!


The Barbarian King begins his invasion... Glorious...
(Not to mention that I got devoured by a monster soon after this picture was taken >_>)


This game is pissing me off I tell you what.

Ogre Time Yay

Myv Avatar
This game is pissing me off I tell you what.
I just finished a part in the game that has me feeling really good. :D
It's this really rewarding/refreshing feel!


Ogre Time Yay Avatar
Myv Avatar
This game is pissing me off I tell you what.
I just finished a part in the game that has me feeling really good. :D
It's this really rewarding/refreshing feel!
Sorcerers are PITA to play so far. :P Going to feel good when I finally get past this damn wall.

Ogre Time Yay

Myv Avatar
Ogre Time Yay Avatar
I just finished a part in the game that has me feeling really good. :D
It's this really rewarding/refreshing feel!
Sorcerers are PITA to play so far. :P Going to feel good when I finally get past this damn wall.
Yeah, I use to play a ninja spell casters in the first Dark Souls, it's rough to get it going. I can offer a suggestion though, you're going to want to find a melee weapon that scales in Int ASAP, because there are bosses in this game that are the bane of Arcane only Sorcerers. I only suggest that because I just got done (last night, actually) watching a player that summoned me for help unable to do anything to the boss we were fighting, at all. It's not that he wasn't good or anything, he just literally couldn't do anything that would work with what he had. :P

Ogre Time Yay

Ahhh... Hell... My homeland.

The Barbarian King is feeling like he should be helpful on this day!

When the Barbarian King arrives, he's absolutely fabulous.

... Have I found my long lost brother!?

Come, my brother! To glory!


*Game glitches out, Sunbros don't get summoned into the boss room with the Host.*

"... So uh..."
"... Shot in the dark here, but there's a big demon on the lower floor, wanna go kill him before the Host wins or... Dies?..."
"... Yeah sure."

This actually happened by the way, whole game glitched out in the Hosts world, so we just wandered off and cleared the level while the Host solo'd the boss, it was pretty awesome despite the situation. :)

Ogre Time Yay

I kind of like to make background stories and RP characters from games like these, even if alot of the time I'm soloing them, habit. Thought it'd be neat to put up a picture of these two characters side by side, one from Bloodborne, one from Dark Souls, both share the same name, each has a personality completely opposite to the other.

The top picture is Hyldebrandt of Balder, known as the Barbarian King of a band of deprived warriors and bandits. He is very vain, and has illusions of grandeur. He's often mostly out for himself, only seeing to a task if it will benefit him in some way, and the promise of power from souls is what attracted him to these lands.

The bottom picture is Hyldebrandt the Fallen Knight, after being tricked into believing that the outbreak in Yharnam was partly his fault as well as a few others, he joined Church's Executioners so that he could hunt down and put all afflicted by the curse out of their misery, in an attempt to make up for what he has done, only to discover a more hideous truth. This Hyldebrandt is more humble and had a heart of gold, only wanting to do what is right in some way.


Ogre Time Yay Avatar
Myv Avatar
Sorcerers are PITA to play so far. :P Going to feel good when I finally get past this damn wall.
Yeah, I use to play a ninja spell casters in the first Dark Souls, it's rough to get it going. I can offer a suggestion though, you're going to want to find a melee weapon that scales in Int ASAP, because there are bosses in this game that are the bane of Arcane only Sorcerers. I only suggest that because I just got done (last night, actually) watching a player that summoned me for help unable to do anything to the boss we were fighting, at all. It's not that he wasn't good or anything, he just literally couldn't do anything that would work with what he had. :P
I have to get through the first bit of Lothran without an Int weapon unfortunately, unless there's one I don't know about. I know my plan was to also put level ups in to Faith and gather up all the various types of magics, and an int weapon is top priority because this dinky little longsword ain't cutting it. PUNS LOL

Ogre Time Yay

No more Estus Flasks left, was one hit away from being killed, so I ran in and did a suicidal attack while this boss was preparing to attack and got really lucky... I also Thor'd this boss too, apparently...

That was one hell of a boss to solo...

And then there was only war smoke...

Then I joined other players in their worlds to help them beat the same boss, jolly co-operation! :)

Everyone is happy! Yay!

Progress 6

Ogre Time Yay

Last night when ThatGuyThatPlaysJames and I clashed in PvP for the first few times...

... That box wasn't there before...

Hm hm hm...

Huh!? What was that noise!?


*Both run around in panic for awhile before actually fighting*

Both battle it out until there is a DOUBLE KO... Seriously, we ended up killing each other that round, was awesome!

Is there cake!?

Ogre Time Yay

Another one bites the dust.

This guy wasn't a very nice person...

"Please no, no no no No No NO NO NO NO!!"

Despite the fact that he was trying to lead me into a mob of enemies... GG, well fought.

*Reloads the sniper rifle*

ThatGuyWhoPlaysJames and I beating up old people again... Nothing new here.

Ready for what's on the other side.

Hello darkness, my old friend...

Yyyyyyup! :|
... Was pretty unpleasant...

Someone is slacking on their patrol.


I can't blame the guy for slacking, I was distracted by Gwyndolin too.