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Blinding Speed - Suggestion

Started by Hand_of_Banath, Feb 06, 2017, 05:09 AM

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Yesterday whilst I was looking at epic feats, to refresh my memory. I glossed over Blinding Speed - 1/day haste for 60 secconds. Generally this is pretty darn useless because of the ready availability of equivalent items that do the same at such levels.

My suggestion was to make it increase movement speed and grant an extra attack along with whatever buffs are considered balanced in the same vein as Barbarian Rage or Song Of Fury. Obviously its use/day limitation makes it only good for a boss, but it would be invaluable I think and actually be worth the investment for high dexterity characters.


Honestly, a lot of active-use epic feats have this problem. I've never met a server where Blinding Speed is really useful - Haste is generally widely available even on low-magic servers due to being such a low-level effect and players can freely craft potions of it for allies to use even if they're not sold.  On top of that, Blinding Speed can be dispelled despite not being a magical effect.  Oof.

An alternative option would be to let the Haste effect of Blinding Speed scale with character level, so it lasts longer the higher level you are, and make it undispellable like bardsong and rage.  That'd keep it what it is but make it more useful than Haste potions and scrolls.


I certainly agree with it being a supernatural effect


Yeah. The only reason this feat is useful in PnP is because the 5 rounds of haste are non magical and thus non dispellable, and they're also non consecutive. Meaning you can use one round of speed at a time just where you need it. Bioware's implementation of the feat is a lazy hack.

To have any value in NWN, it probably needs to at least be scalable.