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Connection problems

Started by Shantis, Sep 21, 2019, 10:00 AM

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A truck accident removed all electical, phone and Tv and internet cabes wires here. For a few days to a week or two, without internet here. At least in the whole weekend.

Because the high price and poor quality of mobile internet connection is not the ideal to use, and need to deal with some ugly paperwork to be contracted for a whole year. No way to use this as temporary fix to stay online. I tried some pre-paid mobile connection (same quality of one using a contract), but I can't connect or run discord, and nwn runs like a slug. Trying to leave Nallah online to steal some faery xp and receive / send some quick contacts oocly.

For personal or non-urgent contact, use the forum message. Thanks.


Shucks! Good luck to you and we'll be here when you get back!


I'm sorry to hear that, Shantis. Come back to us soon, we miss you already!
"Hello, dashings and darlings!" - Melody