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Messages - destinysdesire

This has to be placed here, a special thank you to Fire Wraith for her hard work and dedication. Seriously, the updates have been amazing and I can't imagine the stress when it doesn't work out as hoped. Thank you very much for everything!!!!!
A major thanks to Nokteronoth and DM Fury for stepping in to help with me doing something really stupid and needing a massive fix >.
Thank you to everyone that has made the effort to welcome Trent back to Arabel and RP with the strange guy lacking memories. It can be hard to get your foot back in the door after so long, and while it may seem so minor to rp with the new guy in the square, its honestly very helpful and appreciated!

Looking forward to more!
Happy Birthday!!
I must say the RP between us and Mouse has been interesting, also kudos to Silence and Sophia, couldn't pull myself away till 2:30 in the morning as I was enjoying it far too much!
Have a great trip!!!
Right back to you, you were awesome too!
I second, third and fourth the last two posts.
Thanks Nok!
Player Announcements / Happy B-day RJ!
Jun 06, 2016, 12:06 PM
Happy B-day my friend!!!
I have been trying to pull groups, even tried to arrange something in the PDK, nothing came of it at all, I don't mind having groups....just not class dependent. Not where you MUST have a Rogue, MUST have a cleric, MUST have so and so....unless your BFF's with half the server which for some might be really easy...for others it really isn't. Sure arrange it to have a party requirement of 4-6 people....just not forcing them to be a specific class.
I can understand that the Quest is to design teamwork and grouping, but ever since Trent made the level to do this quest I have been trying to get a group up to do this, so a minimum of two months, the factor that the quest demands certain classes be present makes this impossible to do. The server just really doesn't have this anymore and or getting these exact people together without a DM event is literally impossible. Can we take a look at changing this? I understand the point of teamwork, but I think perhaps this quest needs a review. Thank you.
Player Announcements / Mini-break
Jun 03, 2016, 10:48 AM
Happy Anniversary!!! Enjoy the break!
Player Announcements / Short time away
Jun 02, 2016, 05:05 PM
Have fun and happy b-day to your lil man!
Player Announcements / Up and Running.
May 27, 2016, 12:14 PM
Welcome back Dismus