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Messages - vindflickan

Player Announcements / A Quick Word
May 07, 2020, 02:29 PM
Apologies for randomly vanishing on most outside of our Discord. I had a friend die recently and then another exposed to COVID-19 alongside roommates. Being off my anti-depressant basically sent me into a negative spiral, but I think I'm clawing my way back slowly with the help of two new kittens, Azure, and friends. I hope to be up to logging in to make stories with you all again soon and hope you're all well. <3
Player Announcements / We're Moving!
May 04, 2020, 11:36 AM
Stay safe! Goodness knows this is a crazy time to be moving in.
Off Topic / Character Theme Song, version 3.0
Sep 04, 2019, 09:34 PM
Doe's evolved some over her iterations as she's experienced things, but there is an eternal undercurrent of her hoping for the best in others. It tends to lead her to be a bit naive, but it also means picking theme songs for that aspect of her is relatively easy.

However, there are other aspects. The strongest of which are her ties to nature and how strongly she will defend it against encroachment if she has to and her internal divorcing of herself from the idea of "settled peoples". She can walk with them, but she does not necessarily share the values of civilization and can end up at odds with people who don't understand her loyalty lies with her gods (especially her patron, Eldath), the greater balance, and her family before mortal laws.

Off Topic / Character Theme Song, version 3.0
Aug 28, 2019, 06:08 PM
Dove's an interesting character to pick a theme song for, but there are a couple of songs that encapsulate both her devil may care attitude and as well as her more private self where she is openly caring and devoted to defending her family and people. A good idea, for Dresden Files readers, is to think of how Dresden sees Murphy with his magical senses. The run down, broken angel who refuses to stop fighting for what she believes in even if there's a good chance it may kill her. Consequently...

I just remembered this thread existed again! So I would, on whole, love to thank the community in general as you are all lovely and all my characters continue to have fun, thought provoking, and amusing interactions with one another. Today though I would like to thank the players of Shassra and Celebrithrade for the second deal at the Forest Falls for their parts in the small arc surrounding Dove's notes on blood magic and riding out the effects of various choices the characters made. I look forward to playing out the continual results of today's events with you and with others. <3
And I'll chime in with my partner and say thank you for the same reasons. Doe's just a little bit less lonely with Drak around helping prove Eldath is too a thing...even if people forget her a lot.
I would like to thank the player of Nathan for giving Calperyenna (and me, obviously) a hand up and a bit of guidance in getting underway in Arabel. My little grinning hin had the best day and now just has to find a bit of apple pie to finish off her really good day.