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Who is Your Character Based Off of? [Revived]

Started by Ogre Time Yay, Dec 27, 2013, 09:09 AM

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Ogre Time Yay

Someone made this topic before... I can't remember who, when or where it was created, but it's revived, yeah...

The way this works is you post up a video of an actor/character/person from somewhere that is either similar to your character or who you based your character off of. Seen portraits threads, seen casting call threads, but this is more to determine the personality of each character... Give players a better feel of the tone your character will hold during conversations. I also do this somewhat for myself, because often when I associate with characters in game and do not actually know their tone or voice, I chalk them up to having the voice of one of those Imperial Guards from The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion.
Blah to that, blah

Okay so... Go ahead, have at it!

An example or uh... Or something:
Character: Fiddles McFiddle
Similar to: Widdles MahPiddles
Video of Similar Character:
Explanation Here: Lemme 'splain you a few things here, detailed or brief.


While he didn't start off as a Dr Who (Matt Smith) rip off. I fear Requiem has quite clearly descended into one -

Ogre Time Yay

While Hydaro in combat and in situations of conflict, he does resemble a skill set of that of the character Rocket Raccoon, HOWEVER!
For this, I think I'm gonna go back a bit, originally I created Hydaro to be more like the character Max Payne (At the time he was created, his personality resembled that of Max from Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max. Now he's more like Max Payne 3, a drunk has been with very few talents other than killing), when it comes to Forgotten Realms stories, Hydaro is as Story Noir as they get. I even have points where Hydaro narrates things through emote from time to time.

As it stands, Hydaro has the same grouchy personality and smart ass tone as Max from Max Payne 3 currently, and the constant drunkenness to back that up. Give Max Payne an English accent and you got Hydaro's voice... And personality.

Max Payne 3 Opening Scene, Max's conscience speaking to him and attempting to get him to let go of the past. Similar to the conflicted nature of Hydaro, now driven mentally insane.

Annnnd some Max Payne quotes that perfectly match Hydaro's mood and personality... There are a few spoilers in this video, so if you intended to play any of the Max Payne games and don't want the story ruined for you, avoid this next video. If not, enjoy.


This video pretty much sums up Bass; most the time.

Ogre Time Yay

dom101 Avatar
This video pretty much sums up Bass; most the time.

"Shut the fuck up!...
... Thank you."
Yeah, I can picture that as a Bass thing.


This is an interesting question you pose, Hyde. Morwen was invented right out of my head as my DnD character in the winter of 1980/81 when, snowbound, a group of us discovered the game. The name was pinched straight from Silmarillion which I was reading at the time.  The personality developed organically and really represents myself acting through these various imaginary settings. That said, she has taken on some of these influences:
Miss Murray from League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and a really great real life character named Julie d'Aubigny.

Mala was always intended to channel Aleister Crowley.

Valimar Dragonbane

Quick off the top of my head: Jonan Kelten is pretty much Tony Stark/Robert Downy Jr.  Always intended him to be the genius-level intellect that builds really, really bad-ass things that can destroy other things.  No drinking problems though. :P
Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.

A diplomat... is a person who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you actually look forward to the trip. - Caskie Stinnett

Adventure is just bad planning. - Roald Amundsen


Veir's personality (and to some extent his background) is very much based upon Sir William Marshall (1147-1219), an English knight who is famous for his devotion to his land and the institution of England rather than to any one king.  

Khorigesh is originally based upon my first ever D&D PC, a dragonborn (in 4e I'm ashamed to admit) paladin, interestingly of Moradin, as he had been fostered by a dwarven cleric of Moradin per the DM's request.

Merri Riordan is a pastiche of various trickster characters, the most prominent of which are Jim Carey's Mask, and Puck from A Midsummer Night's Dream.


Felina Dovra : Jessica (Deborah Ann Wool) - well, minus the vampire thing :P


Aelie continues the tradition of my first character on any given server being based on my very first roleplaying character, an Ultima Online tamer/mage named Sara.  Sara was something of a loose cannon in a Lawful Good player-run kingdom, too unpredictable to earn a high position but too valuable to kick out despite doing such things as calling the high priest an idiot, crashing combat training sessions with a dragon to see how they fare against people who 'don't play by the rules' (and indeed the community did have 'rules' for PvP conduct, which I ignored), and slapping the Queen after a knighting ceremony for insulting her.  All the time around such a colorful cast of characters (You think we have ECL problems here, we had a character there who claimed partial descent from at least nine races) eventually rendered her a bit mental, which only added to the chaos she caused.  Aelie probably resembles Sara the strongest of any of these characters, complete with the dragon, the fact her allies are a lot more dangerous than she is, and even her place and role in the setting.  Sara spent a lot of time sitting around idle, too, and people who didn't interact with her much never appreciated exactly what she did or what she was capable of doing if she made any effort.

As I said, this is something of a tradition for me.  You can reliably bet money that my first character on any given server is going to be a Chaotic Neutral female sorcerer and either a human or an elf depending on my mood at the time (though Sara was human).  It's a general character type I find can adapt to just about any setting and blend in or stand out as much as I feel is appropriate without breaking the character or the setting.


I've always thought of Jhalara like the Operative from Firefly.  As for who she looks like... find a picture of a pretty, short haired, violently angry red head.


The only character I can recall basing them off someone is Cass.  I based her off of Kid from Chrono Cross


My inspiration for Jay of the Dark Hand was Violent J from ICP. Being as Jaylithel grew out of the original Jay, that would make him the original base for him as well, though he certainly morphed in a very different direction.

Jaylithel is now more akin to the character Cogliosto played by Nicol Williamson in the Spawn movie mixed with a little Prince Kheldar aka Silk from Eddings Belgariad and Mallorian series of books. Jaylithel actually operated in the underbelly of Arabel under that name and a reputation would still be known as he did complete a number of tasks under that guise including "making an example" of an envoy from the Dalelands.

Cecilia Tentazione aka Badhbh was influenced by two sources as well. The first being Meji the "Scary Little Devil Girl" from the web comic Errant Story by Michael Poe. (Not actually of fiendish blood but rather a halfelf). The second is the Morrigan Badb as depicted in Christopher Moore's " A Dirty Job  ".

Dominique Bloodreaver ... she's a mix of country girl + Sonja from the Conan movies with a little 'Nique from the web comic Sinfest.

Geno ... he was inspired by a picture of a dwarf raising a mug with the caption " Spent My Reward on Ale and Whores " I first saw reading PvP Online.

" Just take that little voice in your head that tells you to be tactful and understanding and shoot it. Shoot it in the goddamn face. " - Kirito .. Message is brought to you by the Kirito is Always Right Foundation.


I find this thread much more interesting than the "what actor plays your character?" thread. Because actors come and go, but "...the Play's The Thing, Man"


Priya Holyn:

Priyanka Chopra. It's the same dulcet tone, eyes that glance away, same features, but add a slightly... French? accent on top of that. Priya rolls her Rs.

Priya is quiet, demure, not usually meeting people's eyes, but get to know her and she can be a very playful person!

Priya is very graceful and moves with purpose, yet delicate steps. She dances with great skill.

This video shows the facial expressions, as well as the dancing, both graceful and playful:

"Death floats on the air, creeps through the window, comes with the handshake of a stranger. If we stop living because we fear death, then we have already died." ~ Raistlin Majere