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Thank you for the positive RP experience.

Started by dom101, Dec 16, 2013, 02:23 AM

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I want to second this! Thank you for the plot last night, RJ!

And thank you to Azalea, Dove, Siniy, and Mista of course!
"Hello, dashings and darlings!" - Melody


I am new to the server, and I play Drak'anon Uth-Shagoth. I wanted to thank everyone for being so welcoming to a new player on the server, going out of their way to make me feel welcomed, and taking care to include me in RP opportunities. I have never felt alone here, or like I needed to break into a clique, or beat out the DM pet favorites, or anything like that. Its really refreshing, considering I know how yucky people can be, and how quickly servers can become toxic. Thanks to everyone I've met for being cool people. Hope I can contribute back the way its been given to me.


Glad you feel the same way I've come to about CD, ! Thank -you- for playing a well thought-out faithful of Eldath! Always great to see. (I play Azalea! ^^ )


And I'll chime in with my partner and say thank you for the same reasons. Doe's just a little bit less lonely with Drak around helping prove Eldath is too a thing...even if people forget her a lot.


A little late, but I want to join in and thank you all for the rp the last days / weeks with Siniy. I always thought the server is amazing and am very much on your page there, kaiosprey, but the last weeks have been a little more than just nice for me. Be it tête-à-tête, groups to go and slay demons at peaks, or well thought out plots, I love being part of it and am looking forward to so much more!


So, there are to many to list, but I wanted to thank the folks who RP with Drak in the square, and those who put up with his antics during adventures. I don't know how much fun ya'll are having, but I spend most of my time giggling like an idiot both in the square and knee deep in a fight somewhere.

Super special shout out to all of Inkish's characters, because they are all so completely different. Sometimes I click conversations from one of his/her characters, and I am like, "NO WAY its INKISH AGAIN?"  That is such an amazing surprise to see someone who can play such different roles to perfection. *bows formally before Inkish*

Also, Nallah Del Rose is so well played, that it makes me want to convert to Red Knight. Wish I had a shield to polish.

Elulduil is another character that really helps set the pace for immersion for me, as his quietness speaks volumes in a crowd.

Shassra is so much fun to RP with, and her history lessons have been amazing.

Lady Evelyn Truesilver, had made Drak rethink his stance on the nobility.

Ceya has been a ton of fun to "train" with, and makes Drak wants to rethink his life choices.

The Starglows are amazing with their children, and I laughed out loud to Grim's reaction to the children. Grim is so well played, and that shovel, oh boy.

And then their is the chocolate addicted, gnome speaking, nut, Cori, who is the only person that laughs at all of Drak's dumb jokes, mostly because she is high on sugar.

And Sam, the fellow Blue Man...he is really, really funny, but deep at the same time.

And The Ranger of the Sea, Ollie...who is Drak's Piratical Performance Instructor, (PPI TM)

And the lady dwarf with the axe and sniffing,

And Thayne the frosty half-dragon of Torm, and, and, and, many to mention....

So stinking cool to have such a talented pool of Rpers, and hardly any drama.


Roem incited Roggrim and Leilatha into a friendly drinking competition, which was a delightful and very funny scene. I was grinning almost the entire time.

Roggrim won! Leilatha, on the other hand, found that doors needed to be hugged and walls needed to be comforted with gentle patting. Thankfully, her drunk self was dropped off in an inn room at the Seraph, thanks to Roggrim being mindful of doing so.


I have to and want to voice a special thank you to the members of yesterday's FTT. It was a very nice and funny experience and helped a lot to give Siniy some much needed depth without even realizing it up until it was over. I had a blast, so thank you  and Agrumol (sorry, I don't remember the login name there). Especially thank you  for the setting and quest, it was truly amazing. 

All in all, the experience helped me get out of a hole with Siniy and you all played a big part in me becoming comfortable with her once again, and develop her in a way I think I like. It was nice to feel like a member of a group truthfully and every moment was fun.  :D


First, special shoutout to the Eidolon 'family' (Drak, Fade, Arhana, and Joy!), as well as any other shadowdancers Wing has come across. Whether you join the family or not (you should!), the engaging talks and thoughts put behind and against the troupe are fun to play. It really makes it feel like Wing belongs to something greater... and it's just beginning!

Tarie, RPing with you is quite a treat. There are layers to Tarie that intrigue me as a player, and your ability to hold engaging and meaningful conversation with Kaylee is a thrill.

Camthalion, while I'm sure the grating RP can take it's toll, I find it kind of refreshing as a player watching that there are characters who exhibit racism and elitism. It's a very prevalent thing in the lore, and it's a rather grounding when it's represented ICly. 

Shassra, whether it is putting up with Wing's nonsense, or being a bit of a guiding and supporting figure for Kaylee, time spent RPing with you is quite enjoyable. I love the interactions we've had so far!

Darkfang, Cairora... or however it is spelled. The verbal duel that she and Persephone had was delightful, and the little date after was a lovely twist, darling.

Cookie, best for last right?~ She is just so darn adorable and really helps bring out the human that often gets forgotten beneath the shadow that is Wing. I'm greatly anticipating how the relationship will blossom!~


No specific shout outs, but just a general kudos to the people I've had the chance to interact with in my twoish months here so far. I've enjoyed my time here and I look forward to continuing to do so. :)

Good to know 15 years after I started playing this game there's still fun places to be.


Feeling the love over the last few days. :)


I want to shoutout to Blackheart (Celebrithrade) for the wonderful RP yesterday. Who knew she and Melody would've clicked so well! You're an amazing, amazing RPer!

And shoutout to Thayne for being such a gentleman and a sweetheart to Melody. It's sincerely appreciated!
"Hello, dashings and darlings!" - Melody


I said it once, but it doesn't hurt to repeat, my only regret is not having found this server before.

I have friends here from the old server I was playing almost a year ago, and I made great good new friends here. Thanks for everything! :)

Thanks to all the players I've had contact for their fun and great roleplay.


Thanks for Joy, Falkir, Thayne, Grim, Melody and Blane for the roleplay and fun we had yesterday in the quest with RJ. It was a lot of fun, thanks. :D


Thanks Blane, Grungnir, Kaia, Mista, Ceya by yesterday's roleplay during the quest. It was very funny and good. And I hope to see Blane and Grungnir's ship happening... :P