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Rogues thieves etc

Started by Darvins, Sep 25, 2015, 01:06 PM

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I have a rogue that you might be able to interest after a few successful jobs.


belladonna Avatar
Sept 26, 2015 11:20:40 GMT -5  @belladonna said:
Cara's public persona is pretty well known, at least for being a trapspringer/lockpick type.

True enough, hehe there are a few who are known as Trapspringer/Lockpicker but it's spotting the folks who would be willing to do that maybe outside a dungeon that is always the hold up. That said there are a few options, one I've been considering is well, the old standby of a NPC 'Fixer' type putting together a core crew and from that expanding to draw in others. It's easier to oocly arrange how to add individual people I think, that's just someone sending an ooc tell and then coming up with a scenerio that works then. It's getting the first few people together the mass incident. 

For that I was thinking of as I said a NPC Fixxer getting folks together for a job, and picking people for said job. Added advantage? It's sort of a cool thing in my eyes.... That's what I came up with off the top of my head anyway. Other options include we fudge a lot of recruitment conversations that could work too actually on thinking of it as I type this. Arabel is after all a strange network of connections Person A may not get on with Person B but C could be both their friends, it does make it possible that just a small group could very easily get in touch with everyone who is interested without anyone person needing to ICly know everyone.

And I'm rambling, I think it might be good to try and get together in person if only in the ooc room sometime maybe next weekend to try and work these details out? 


Probably won't be able to get "everyone" online at the same time.  Better to try and work out details via the forums.  :)  Or at least that's been my impression from prior experience.


Kestal | Bernadette | Eden | Tonya | Vaszayne | Koravia | Alastriona | Natascha | Emari | Urilias-Zhjaeve | Hiltrude | Tatya | Dioufn | Aida | Cyrillia | Megan | etc.
DM Tiamat | Szuriel | Maedhbh | Cassilda


True, heh I sometimes find in game to just give a better flow but your likely right, so Forums it is.


*gnaws on her cage bars*


Autumn Avatar
*gnaws on her cage bars*
Don't do that you'll hurt your teeth, the cage will be unlocked soon...I hope


You may come across a gentleman in Arabel who goes by the name Alaric. A faithful priest of the Golden Lady, he would certainly be open to helping those who wish to put valuable items that have been secreted away for far too long back into circulation. After all, wealth that is hoarded and not put to good use is a pity.

In other words, if you need a fence or fixer or some such, lemme know.


Hm, on second thought, Isra might be a better fit for this group's aims. Haze is less interested in the thief aspect than she is beating the challenge of a lock or trap.
SDM Sto Helit

When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up. - C. S. Lewis


I have a rogue... who is not very sneaky and hits things with hammers.

Also he is half-rock.


misfit Avatar
You may come across a gentleman in Arabel who goes by the name Alaric. A faithful priest of the Golden Lady, he would certainly be open to helping those who wish to put valuable items that have been secreted away for far too long back into circulation. After all, wealth that is hoarded and not put to good use is a pity.

In other words, if you need a fence or fixer or some such, lemme know.
I'm sure there can always be found a use for such things, we do have another person who has offered to help provide a front but that should be of benefit here. As an aside Erliza herself is pretty good at trade through she's never ran the under the table side of things, so it could be a good mix. Erliza can help people with the legitimate side of things, along with the offered front, and Alaric would make someone along with the other person who can handle the true stuff. (Erliza has a pretty good appraise but she learnt the legitimate side of things in that field)  

Allatum heh as was said earlier every group of rogues needs someone to beat other folks over the head if only to stop said other folks trying to make them pay fees. I see no issue with a few extra toughs for that purpose:)

Ladybug heh it's weird because in many ways Erliza is very similar, she likes making money of course but to her the bigger thrill is proving she can do it. That she can sneak past peoples security and take what she wants without being caught. On the otherhand she does like her money, take your time to work out the best fit for you of course.

Anyway Hmm Okay I admit I'm still a little surprised so many people where interested, so it's a very good surprise but it's a bit of a shock. Hmm I suppose the first step may be a simple one if a few people want to be spotted in the pits Edge by a few others it may get brains working in game? I don't think we need everything worked out before things get started and in fact that would feel a little... forced in the roleplay. 


Okay so here's a very rough draft of the main principles here the 'Rules' if you will. Through presented mainly for discussion.

1.) No one is forced to take jobs for the collective, except in the common defence of it's members from outside forces through with some provisions on that.
2.) No Politics against Cormyr, the guard may frown on thieves and come after us, but that can be handled, but acting against Cormyr itself, brings down the War Wizards and we cannot deal with the War Wizards. If you do take a job that acts against the crown your on your own.
3.) Assassination well this one is tricky, if you do it clumsily, charging at a target in the middle of a busy street for example, then your on your own. Especially if the target is a Noble. If you do take your time to do it carefully and get discovered anyway then we can deal with that as it arises.
4.) Tips, if you hear of a good target but your skill set doesn't match it, you can leave tips for the other members to take up. If they do so a cut of the profits is due to the tip giver based on how detailed a tip was left. (EG leave just a location and a object and your not going to get much leave a detailed guide on the guards rota and security features present and your likely going to get a much bigger slice) ((In regards to this, I have some ideas on the how the tips would be left ICly, Erliza has two of the illusion journals in a gemstone she uses one as her spell book but the second would be left somewhere, if the place is raided, it is easy enough to hide as it's pretty much a gemstone.)
5.) Any fences etc are responsible for their own profits, they set their cut etc but are also not paid anything by the collective as a whole, what they get is the common defence and a customer/supply base.

That's a rough guide wanted to keep it simple.

Added in edit. I admit Assassination is something I'm iffy on if it has a place at all, Erliza's not a fan herself, and I think it can open up a bag of worms but... I am trying to not make this just Erliza's wants and wishes and make sure everyone who wants to get involved feels like they have a place.

Valimar Dragonbane

Working on my roguey bits, hope it will be approved of soon!
Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.

A diplomat... is a person who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you actually look forward to the trip. - Caskie Stinnett

Adventure is just bad planning. - Roald Amundsen


Oh as a explanation by what I mean by tips. Tips are basically mainly a DM has an idea for a quest the group could do and passes it on to one of chars ideally someone maybe who wants to roleplay more of a fixer style guy, who can then pass it on to the group. This would also mean that if they can't make it they can still feel part of events. Anyway that the main way I saw it working.


I made Kelvin with the specific intent that if there were no rogues' guild on this server, he would one day make one.

Yes, pl0x.