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Started by Ryoko Honda, Nov 19, 2015, 02:17 AM

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Ryoko Honda

My RP partner and I are searching for new community options we came across Cormy & Dalelands. I'm interested in hear some reviews and opinions from you the community. My RP partner and I play a pair of Elves. A Sun Elf Bladesinger, and Elf Knight. We are pretty invested in our storyline over on Amia. Though we aren't too happy with that server so we've found this server.

How is the elf community? or elf factions?

What are the best times to play? 

Is the player base mostly US? 

What year is it in forgotten realms? 


I can't speak too much about the Elf factions.

Daylight to evening US times get a fair number of players. Anywhere from 5 to 20+ until 10-12 central, then it recedes.

Dunno about nationality of much of the playerbase.

I believe the current year is 1378 though most Forgotten Realms content post 1372 from books has not occurred. I think the exception to this is Lolth's Silence, which happened off-screen.


Most of the playerbase is in the US, I believe, yes. That or Canada. I've over here in sunny California (Though the shithole of the state, Bakersfield), and will likely be wandering off in some other direction once dad's estate is taken care of.

There's a decent amount of elf players, though I don't know much about the factions either. (I'm not that big into elven lore.)

I'd say the best times to play are (usually) between 5 PM PDT and 11 PM PDT on weekdays. Weekends, it's a free-for-all of who might be on.


Ryoko Honda

Thank you. That is helpful information. As I am, in East (-5)


Well, welcome to CD! Hope you stick around and enjoy it, I've been here about a year. Everyone's friendly!


Ryoko Honda

I am very, very interested. My rp partner and I, love Cormanthor, and Elf RP.

Ryoko Honda

So does anyone know. If the Elven Cursade happen already? Is Myth Drannor part of the mod?

Colin Mack

Don't forget there are some European players and as a Scotsman I am the only one who can speak in dwarfish with an official accent :-p


CD disregards most official Canon post 1372, when we launched. Though it did not take place on the server, we do acknowledge that Lolth's Silence happened off-camera.
The Crusade has not happened at CD and Myth Drannor is not part of the mod. The elven community is located in Deepingdale, primarily in Velethuil/Bristar.

Also welcome to the server, always good to see more elf players, although I'm not sure how often we can meet each other in game as I'm in euro timezone.

Ryoko Honda

Ty.I'm usually quite available. Though 1372 is date that far before Nya and Faelon's Story. So we might have to story to rewrite. Though thats no trouble of yours! Too bad the Elf Cursade hasn't happen yet!

How is the action on the server? Is it low level,  is it fast pace? Is it low xp reward? low gold?  +3 max weapons?


According to this we're in 1378. It's just that most stuff after 1372 from the canon has not occured.

Ryoko Honda

I love those books. The Last Mythal. They were amazing. I listen them last year in my car and then on my flight back to Japan.

Ryoko Honda

Is there way too give items custom descriptions?


Ryoko Honda Avatar
Ty.I'm usually quite available. Though 1372 is date that far before Nya and Faelon's Story. So we might have to story to rewrite. Though thats no trouble of yours! Too bad the Elf Cursade hasn't happen yet!

How is the action on the server? Is it low level,  is it fast pace? Is it low xp reward? low gold?  +3 max weapons?
I can't really compare to other servers, but in my experience here, gold is pretty easy to earn. Weapons do scale to +5, but those are extremely rare to the point that I've never actually seen one that wasn't a DM award. But +2-4 are color coded along level tiers where you have to be at least a certain level before you can equip them (+2 = 6, +3 = 11, +4 = 16, +5 is considered epic, so 20, and CD caps at 30).

We do have xp caps that start at 8th level that require rp/dm xp to progress.
SDM Sto Helit

When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up. - C. S. Lewis


Ryoko Honda Avatar
Is there way too give items custom descriptions?
No, this is not something we have available for players. We do have tailoring models that allow characters to design clothing and armor and a text entry command ( /rentorso ) that allows such items to be renamed for easy organization and recognition in your inventory, but description editing is not included.

Custom, roleplay-only items can be requested in the appropriate forum (Miscellaneous Requests), and characters using the item creation feats and mage-forges can request appearance changes and description edits for the items they make there as well. But changing the appearances and descriptions of common loot treasure and similar items is not usually something we do.
Kestal | Bernadette | Eden | Tonya | Vaszayne | Koravia | Alastriona | Natascha | Emari | Urilias-Zhjaeve | Hiltrude | Tatya | Dioufn | Aida | Cyrillia | Megan | etc.
DM Tiamat | Szuriel | Maedhbh | Cassilda