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Who is Your Character Based Off of? [Revived]

Started by Ogre Time Yay, Dec 27, 2013, 09:09 AM

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Ogre Time Yay

The Red Mage Avatar
Don't watch the English Dub, or I will find my way into your place with a Craftsman hammer.
Ugh... That, and the Spike Lee version...


FirstManDeparted Avatar
The only character I can recall basing them off someone is Cass.  I based her off of Kid from Chrono Cross

First all, all my thumbs up for this. Chrono Cross was seriously underrated. And this is coming from someone who's more of a Trigger fan.

Alright, my own people then.

Kestal: Hoo boy. Originally Kestal - created circa 2006 - was, if anyone, most closely representative of Janine "Fox" Renard-Xanatos from Gargoyles: redheaded action girl and part-time schemer. Of course, since Kestal is no longer the LE Blackguard she started as, a lot of that has changed since then. There are still some traces of that in her personality now, admittedly, particularly her closeness with her husband and her protectiveness of her family, the Blue Thorns, as well as a drive to fix her screwed-up past. Nowadays, in her current LG Paladin state, she's not really based off anyone in particular, other than a general ideal of what I as someone who regularly tests out as Lawful Neutral would imagine as "the best I could be" if I were less apathetic and cynical. There is probably also a bit of General Beatrix from Final Fantasy IX in her, as she's one of my go-to ideas for a "redemptive paladin" example.

Caprice: I think the ultimate influence on Caprice would be Relm Arrowny of Final Fantasy VI - short, smart, snarky, and spell-savvy. Stir in a bit of Molly Carpenter from The Dresden Files with less flirting and maybe some of Ed form Cowboy Bebop.

Kendaku: Interestingly enough, Kendaku seems to be a composite of Celes Chere from FFVI, Amarant Coral from FFIX, Cendrine South from the Dead Weight series by M. Scott Gallowglas, Ryudo and Millenia from Grandia II, Pathfinder's Ameiko Kaijitsu, and my own personal dislike for Lolth.

Shezzarin: Shez is the composite of most of my fey knowledge distilled through The Dresden Files and the October Daye series. I think as a character she's closest to April O'Leary from the latter. Her bizarre speech patterns and such borrow a little from Emeralda Kasim from Xenogears.

Edge: Edge's appearance is, mostly thanks to Bella and a couple of people from my first server, based on a combination of the wrestler who shares his name and Bart Fatima from Xenogears, eyepatch included. His personality was generally intended to be a sort of "laid-back good-ol'-boy brawler"; the best example I can really think of is Sabin Figaro from FFVI, I can definitely see Edge saying with perfect seriousness "Did you think a minor thing like the end of the world was gonna do me in?"
Kestal | Eden | Azalaïs "Edge" | Bernadette | Tonya | Lenora | Vaszayne | Koravia | Alastriona | Piritya | Rauvaliir | Natascha | Emari | Urilias-Zhjaeve | Tatya | Dioufn | Aida | Cyrillia | Megan | etc.
DM Tiamat | Szuriel | Maedhbh | Cassilda

Garage Trashcan

Edge Avatar
FirstManDeparted Avatar
The only character I can recall basing them off someone is Cass.  I based her off of Kid from Chrono Cross

First all, all my thumbs up for this. Chrono Cross was seriously underrated. And this is coming from someone who's more of a Trigger fan.

Alright, my own people then.

Kestal: Hoo boy. Originally Kestal - created circa 2006 - was, if anyone, most closely representative of Janine "Fox" Renard-Xanatos from Gargoyles: redheaded action girl and part-time schemer. Of course, since Kestal is no longer the LE Blackguard she started as, a lot of that has changed since then. There are still some traces of that in her personality now, admittedly, particularly her closeness with her husband and her protectiveness of her family, the Blue Thorns, as well as a drive to fix her screwed-up past. Nowadays, in her current LG Paladin state, she's not really based off anyone in particular, other than a general ideal of what I as someone who regularly tests out as Lawful Neutral would imagine as "the best I could be" if I were less apathetic and cynical. There is probably also a bit of General Beatrix from Final Fantasy IX in her, as she's one of my go-to ideas for a "redemptive paladin" example.

Caprice: I think the ultimate influence on Caprice would be Relm Arrowny of Final Fantasy VI - short, smart, snarky, and spell-savvy. Stir in a bit of Molly Carpenter from The Dresden Files with less flirting and maybe some of Ed form Cowboy Bebop.

Kendaku: Interestingly enough, Kendaku seems to be a composite of Celes Chere from FFVI, Amarant Coral from FFIX, Cendrine South from the Dead Weight series by M. Scott Gallowglas, Ryudo and Millenia from Grandia II, Pathfinder's Ameiko Kaijitsu, and my own personal dislike for Lolth.

Shezzarin: Shez is the composite of most of my fey knowledge distilled through The Dresden Files and the October Daye series. I think as a character she's closest to April O'Leary from the latter. Her bizarre speech patterns and such borrow a little from Emeralda Kasim from Xenogears.

Edge: Edge's appearance is, mostly thanks to Bella and a couple of people from my first server, based on a combination of the wrestler who shares his name and Bart Fatima from Xenogears, eyepatch included. His personality was generally intended to be a sort of "laid-back good-ol'-boy brawler"; the best example I can really think of is Sabin Figaro from FFVI, I can definitely see Edge saying with perfect seriousness "Did you think a minor thing like the end of the world was gonna do me in?"
I'd put money on you liking FFVI a lot...
Torsten Solberg - Jovial Jotunkind
Halonya Gabranth - Paladin of Hoar
Retired PCs: Felix Greentrack, Nikolai Mikhailovich


Kestal | Eden | Azalaïs "Edge" | Bernadette | Tonya | Lenora | Vaszayne | Koravia | Alastriona | Piritya | Rauvaliir | Natascha | Emari | Urilias-Zhjaeve | Tatya | Dioufn | Aida | Cyrillia | Megan | etc.
DM Tiamat | Szuriel | Maedhbh | Cassilda

The Red Mage

Not more than me. I just let Edge occupy the space.


Kestal | Eden | Azalaïs "Edge" | Bernadette | Tonya | Lenora | Vaszayne | Koravia | Alastriona | Piritya | Rauvaliir | Natascha | Emari | Urilias-Zhjaeve | Tatya | Dioufn | Aida | Cyrillia | Megan | etc.
DM Tiamat | Szuriel | Maedhbh | Cassilda

The Red Mage

My kefka laugh vs. yours? 10/1 matchup.


As one who has heard Edge's Kefka laugh... my money's on him.


Kestal | Eden | Azalaïs "Edge" | Bernadette | Tonya | Lenora | Vaszayne | Koravia | Alastriona | Piritya | Rauvaliir | Natascha | Emari | Urilias-Zhjaeve | Tatya | Dioufn | Aida | Cyrillia | Megan | etc.
DM Tiamat | Szuriel | Maedhbh | Cassilda


belladonna Avatar
Nov 4, 2014 23:39:04 GMT -5  @belladonna said:
As one who has heard Edge's Kefka laugh... my money's on him.
" Just take that little voice in your head that tells you to be tactful and understanding and shoot it. Shoot it in the goddamn face. " - Kirito .. Message is brought to you by the Kirito is Always Right Foundation.