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Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)

Started by blackhound, Dec 15, 2013, 07:28 PM

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Arya and whitespirit, thank you so much! This was fun for all of us, i believe. Also this adds a great deal to Keryth's character, i am not sure yet, hah! Anyways! THANK YOU

Mystic Warden

Eredruie Avatar
FaeFae Avatar
Arya and White Spirit.  :)
+1 <3 <3 <3
+1001 :) It was a very fun event yesterday, thanks for all the effort put into it!
Sindel Sinul, witch, herbswoman and tarot reader extraordinaire with a strong business sense
Diana Castelli, cute bookworm, arcane nerd, with the 'Weapon focus: book' feat
Vicky DeVille, daddy's princess, conjuring up some trouble
Melinda Moon, merc with a mouth and two tonfa-hilted short swords


to for a lovely quest about faith :) the decoration was incredible! And the quest went smooth and despite there being eight people present, it felt like everyone was considered on a very personal level. This is quite a feat! I could feel that planning and preperation went into the event, also in a very personal fashion for each of the eight people involved.

Amazing performance! :)


whitespirit Avatar
to  for a lovely quest about faith :)  the decoration was incredible! And the quest went smooth and despite there being eight people present, it felt like everyone was considered on a very personal level. This is quite a feat! I could feel that planning and preperation went into the event, also in a very personal fashion for each of the eight people involved.

Amazing performance! :)

Was a wonderful quest, with some emotional ramifications that will be felt by all of our characters for a long time yet, I'm sure :) Certainly it's been an amazing opportunity for Shaan's growth. 

Also, I bow before some of the stellar area decorating done, as well as the excellent handling of such a large party with a lot going on. Was well executed :)



I am going to be spending a lot more on this positive DM experience than typical, and this is not a reflection of all the DMing out there by any stretch. Anytime I comment in this thread, it is super awesome DMing I am seeing here, and one huge part of why I enjoy this server! Left a TLDR version at the bottom and bolded for the convenience of everyone. :-D Tagged everything in spoiler for those interested in more details.

So...this was a very hard quest on my main and really brought out a lot of Dae's baggage for her. It was hard fighting everything inside her on the way. And then her typical way of handling matters only became useful when she started to talk down bad guys while the good guys went to work. Everything else did not work and frustrated her. The interaction with the half-celestial was interesting as well, as there was a lot of wariness that it was either not a real being or it was surely out to get her (because of her paranoia). A lot of what Daeatria knew of the world was shattered in everything. I imagine a huge break down at some point. Yuck!

This player could not have been anymore proud of the many surprises that came in this quest and how much unplanned moments threw curveballs in a nice, intricate storytelling worthy of epic tales where eight different characters had to stop potential god-murdering. I left it open ended and did not want to know the details when I requested "reconciliation" (which became more) because I wanted all that happened to be organic, and make most sense in the organic storytelling and player interactions. Thank you so much for investing 6-7 hours of DMing and allowing us all a moment to shine. Daeatria is going to likely be processing all the events she saw in this for time to come. And likely now more than ever struggling with how to handle her relationship to her house's mother deity with what was revealed. Everything she knew, felt, and felt was right was turned upside down on her.

The TLDR version: 11/10 I would recommend! All the surprises, and the turning a very open ended idea where I was letting everything happen and end based on the DM's narrative and not my own, became an epic story where even the less heroic somehow became heroes. 

With love and sincerity,
"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow


+3 to Arya and White spirit, and mirroring much of what Arya said for Valar.


I'm a jaded, cynical old bastard and it takes a lot to impress me.  That said, I find myself having to give props to and , DMs whose events have managed to keep me entertained and involved in things throughout these past few months, events that have yet to disappoint me in any way.  Cheers to you both, and keep up the great work!


I would also like to express my gratitude and appreciation for  and . Edge's quests are always so well planned out and executed I feel like I learn something I participate in one. And Arya's quest today felt lovely and really well handled, I had the feeling that as a player my feelings were important and that made me feel awesome! :)

Thank you for all your time, energy and effort, please feel appreciated!!


Kind thanks to  once more for the Shaanquest 'Question of Lineage'. I brought you a vague "It'd be cool to find out who Shaan's dad was and why he left her mom in Westgate" and asked you to surprise me. Oh boy, did you surprise me! Could not have guessed it would go the way it has, that it would bring so much development out of/for Shaan, and that she'd end up with such a bunch of friends she can count on to help her through the hard times <3

Thank you so much! <3 <3 <3


Want to Thank First Arya for the Shaanquest was an interesting journey and the Gems are fun! And Fire for the Emerald Quest it was different, and equally fun at the end.


Darvins Avatar
Want to Thank First Arya for the Shaanquest was an interesting journey and the Gems are fun! And Fire for the Emerald Quest it was different, and equally fun at the end.

+1 for Arya on Shaan's quest the ending was totally climactic.


You're probably not going to read this, Korlash-guy, but I appreciate that you bring life so often to the graveyard hours!


Arya. I don't think I have laughed that much for months now! Thank you very very much!
Also a collective thanks to all those DMs who've suffered through my questions so far!


For who just ran a very enjoyable quest :) Thank you for all the effort and work, I felt this magical feeling of immersion during your quest! I loved the setup and how lively and authentic it felt. And the itneractions with people felt very natural and organic. I really enjoy your style and I am very happy that you grace us with your dming. Thank you :)