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Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)

Started by blackhound, Dec 15, 2013, 07:28 PM

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Long overdue thanks coming up! I've got an awful memory, and I'm the worst at giving compliments, but here we go:

: Our Kraken adventure was some of the most memorable quest I've been on, and I absolutely loved how you always tried make everyone feel involved and useful, despite the difficulty in making certain locale have things to do and react to for everyone. There was always some critter there to give Nylah something to do, and the whole quest truly felt -unique-.

: Your prose and the stories you tell and get us involved in are always a delight. You're awesome at making us feel connected to all the rich lore that's found in this setting we all love, and I've learned a -ton- about the FR thanks to you. Your NPCs always feel alive, well grounded in the setting, and I'd die for Manynests, Algallarch and Meliae!  I also love how much freedom of actions I always feel like I have in your quests!

: I've not been in a ton of quests with you, but that last event we had in DoM was intense in all the best of ways. Difficult choices to make, and you roleplayed that NPC to perfection. I've rarely met a character that felt so slimey and -evil- while still being so believable. To be honest, I wasn't sure how to feel about the event at the time: it took me some days to reflect and play out its impact to really begin to enjoy it, and now that I've had some time to think on it, I'd honestly say it's been the one event that had the most lasting impact on my character, leading to some of the most fun RP opportunities I've had afterwards as I played out its aftermath. It was a difficult one, but it's through these sort of events that our characters can grow the most.


Wanted to quick drop some feedback I've been compiling together for awhile!

I can't tag all of you so I first just want to offer my appreciation to all of the staff and DMs here, you all do SO much great work! I hope you all know how wonderful you are and take enough rest from all that effort I know you all put in to making CD as great as it is <3

Looking forward to how Deeds of Cruelty progresses, I've so enjoyed interacting with Evita again!!!

Even though I chose the wrong character for it (not due to the plot itself) I enjoyed Coinflip, glad to have been able to be in your plot!

I've been so fortunate to be in several of your plots and I never cease to be amazed. Each time I think, "THIS is my favorite NPC" and then you bring out another. I feel no difference in NPCs you make up or NPCs that have canon behind them, they all feel firmly integrated and real.

I knew going into Destiny of Man I'd thoroughly enjoy myself, mostly because of how enjoyable ORTA was! The amount of juggling of various groups, keeping us all updated with the various lore and flavor posts, with rumors and maps and all the juicy bits has got to be so much work! So thank you for all you're doing! I've thoroughly enjoyed the events for the group I've been in, the surprises and set dressing, the lore I've learned through it and the path it's taken us has all been so fun. I've learned Faerun lore I never knew and enjoyed exploring it all as we've gone. I've run the full gamut of emotions through the quests (I knew you'd get me crying at least once!) and I can't stop going over each one for hours after, thinking over all the possible ramifications of each choice, what was learned, and thoughts on going forward. I'll second SpacePope's words regarding the last event, that NPC was perfectly evil but captivating at the same time. I'm excited to see how Destiny of Man proceeds and how it affects, not only the regions, but the characters as well


Time to give some feedback!

Thank you . Your events make the PD even more rewarding and interesting to be a part of. I loved the trip to Willowband brook bank something so much I took half a day off to be able to attend part 2 in US evening times. That's a real compliment there. You're also a goof. Also a thanks to  for the assist! I bet there would have been much less passing of Catoblepas gas without you!

Thank you  for the work of art you dubbed Destiny of Man. I don't know how you manage to juggle so many parties but I really enjoy watching the story unfold (and taking a small part in it!)

Thank you  for the longest adventure I have ever been a part of. Your attention to detail and ability to weave a story really made the long voyage very very enjoyable.


Okay, I have to add this. I've greatly enjoyed the DoM conference! Watching the politics, the delegates back and forth and they way the NPCs interacted was really fun to see. Also though, being able to speak to them. I can't imagine it was easy to go back and forth, having so many speaking to the NPCs and you jumping between. Plus they all just looked so awesome!! The Lion and the Fox, man if they were in a Dragon Age game they'd be in my party FOREVER. Mad props

Running With Razors

Mkay I should've pushed this post sooner, but here it goes.
I wish to thank for the amazing Destiny of Man plot. It contained all of the things that I like in a D&D campaign: intrigue, plotting, nations and factions fighting for power, a cast of realistic and diversified NPCs and meaningful stakes, without fantastic creatures and extraplanar beings getting in the way. And you did all this alone!
This campaign has and will remain one of the highlights of my time here in CD. You're amazing!
"Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst."
- A soldier-for-hire. Warrior. From a galaxy far, far away.

Daniel Ogden - Swashbuckling Arcanist. Hunted. Haunted.


I'd like to to thank  for being a great help during Opening event for our drug den. I don't think it would have been nearly as successful as it was if it wasn't for her presence, making NPC's feel alive as well as helping us with a dice tournament. A true hero!


Quest: A Cunning Ruse - Beggars at the Feast

Outcome: I was laughing that much, I lost track of time xD

Thank you :-)


A huge thank you to Dorca for her amazing Hag quests for the Underdark folk.

It was amazing.
Drive it like you stole it.


A big thanks to Dorca for making the Underdark so alive during the past few months. Every event I have participated in or heard of has been such a uniquely fun, interesting, and intense experience.
Dorca has gone above and beyond, being so creative in giving players things to do even between events. So once again, thank you so much Dorca for all of the effort put into the Underdark scene!


I'd like to give kudo's to  for the fantastic way she ran the Trial of Isthimus event.

Iron masterfully tuned the tone of the event from comedic to serious (gotta love that uh oh moment)  to bittersweet at the end and it was a delight to be part of that. I also liked the pacing of the event and the lack of a time bubble so we could rp what we saw and ask for advise even as the plot ran. While there was plenty of combat it never felt combat was the focus of the event, it always was the story and I always felt challenged to roleplay. 


*ahem* Excuse me. So yes, thank you Iron for an awesome journey. 


A big thanks to the staff for the holiday events and how you have executed it. Love the snowball arena!
Player of Ophelia

A big shout-out to  for his Reindeer Games questline! This is the first DM run questing I've done since joining the server, and it was an absolute delight. I thought the story was wonderful, and the theme was so much fun! Really made this holiday season all the merrier!

And also, a shoutout to the entire staff for all of these holiday events! This has been so very wonderful. Players alike, for having your own little parties, events and celebrations. This has been a particularly lonely Christmas season for me personally, and this place has truly made it so much better than it could otherwise have been. So thank you to the staff, players and everyone who makes this place a happy second home! <3

<3 from Elsie & Kindra.


Big shoutout to and  for the whole Maerimydran siege/war experience that had been happening for quite a while by now. I dont think I've had so much of engaging roleplay that occured so actively and for so long such as these, with the persistent zone of conflict against the enemies that we face, the activity achieved either through various adhocs or the prompt table these DMs made and honestly, I would personally love to see more stuff like this, though I admit this is certainly a lot for one single person to achieve.


Thank you to @anatheme and @melody for the Evereska intro today.

I know this plot has been teased a while, and I know that some people are kinda new and maybe don't know that much about it.

For those that have asked themselves "ah, is it too late to request to join?" I would tell you that you should 100% ask Melody to let you in. This will be one of those dont-want-to-miss plots. All you need is an elf/half-elf, doesn't matter the level.

Trust me, you won't regret it.


A major thanks to Nokteronoth and DM Fury for stepping in to help with me doing something really stupid and needing a massive fix >.
Loss of empathy might well be the most enduring and deep-cutting scar of all, the silent blade of an unseen emey, tearing at our hearts and stealing more than our strength- Drizzt Do'Urden