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Elves of Deepingdale Forum Access

Started by Blackheart, Nov 06, 2020, 03:16 PM

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I'm cleaning up the "Elves of Deepingdale" forum, and I wanted to make a post concerning those that "should/could" have access to the forum, but currently don't! 

If you need access, or wish to request access, feel free to shoot me a PM on discord or on the forums.

If you're an elf (with the key in your inventory), you should be granted access with ease. 

However, there are others other than elves that will be welcome in the forums. Sha'Quessir, for example, would be granted access, as if they were a full elf.

If for some reason you feel as though your character who is not an elf should have access, or if you feel there's another character that you think should have access, let me know. Send me a quick reasoning as to why that character should have access, and I will consider it and grant/reject it as needed.

- Blackheart