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Druid Circle Faction -Root System Overhaul Request

Started by oarthias, May 24, 2014, 04:03 PM

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What a mouthful of a topic title. :) 

I was excited to see that a root travel system had made it's way into the server in my time away. However it seems to be in need of an overhaul to make it a bit more functional to travel instead of the odd roundabout way that it works now. This would be something in which Nonee or myself would be happy to help implement/build as well. 

The idea is for us to be able to chose the end location for us to be able to travel to. More like the teleport system in a sense. We could keep it where you can only use the system by only having select trees in which we can travel from and to.... or we could make it where a widget activates a temporary hole in the ground that would take you to a "root cellar" a place in which we choose the root of the end location of our choosing. The root cellar room would likely be the easiest to up date from time to time as the server expands, but we could also have it so we have to type in a location key like teleport system. 

Places in which we are hoping for the root system to take us....
Mielikki's Craddle
Mielikki's Shrine
The Chauntean temple in the mountains
Hunter's Down
The Giants
Starlight Grove
King's Forest

I'm pretty doped up on meds atm, so I hope that made sense. Also if I put this in the wrong forums, please move it to the correct one. :) 



One thing to bear in mind is I think a new spell planned for the next Hak update is Plant Travel, while I would dance to see it extended, well... heh you might wanna bear in mind if you feel like doing all the work then discover the Hak update added spells that let us do that stuff anyway.



Those tree portals are not meant to be all inclusive as, yes, I'm adding Transport via Plants (Druid teleport) with the haks.
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel