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Extend the autolock timer on Event?

Started by trylobyte, Nov 09, 2014, 02:00 PM

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The auto-relocking timer on the event server is really quite short.  This can create a problem with larger parties or strange transitions, since it's possible to get locked out of areas after a very short time.  In one dungeon I ran today I had this happen twice - The first time I had two giants chasing my bard, with her zero defensive capability, and I ran out and slammed the door we'd just gone through on them.  Oh, hey, it auto-relocked and now I can't get back in because the key disappears on use and the mob that carries it doesn't respawn for another 20 minutes.  After having a DM move me to the opposite side we continued.  Later we went into an orc house, killed the orcs, looted the stuff, and went out.  I was typing a long PM to someone and got out a bit late, only to spawn back on the other map behind the now-relocked door, trapping me.  With the D-Door changes I couldn't get out, so I had to crystal.  I doubt it was even three minutes.  I've also been on quests or large group runs where people get locked out because they have to go AFK for a minute or because the scout gets ahead of the group and unlocks a door on a timer, with not everyone making it through because the scout doesn't realize it and the group is waiting for their signal.

I propose the relocking timer be lengthened to at least half the respawn timer of the loot chests.  There's no benefit for someone to leave doors unlocked if they lock before the loot returns, after all, and the current extremely short timer just causes hassles.


This could be done, depending on the location.

Some times the short re-lock is designed to trap players in a room with the boss, or prevent using doors as choke points.
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel


The autolock timer on Lady Wyvernspur's door in the Wyvernspur Crypt is extremely short, maybe 15-20 seconds.  If anyone has to run into the room to take cover there's a good chance they'll get locked out of the fight.  Extremely frustrating when you're the mage and can't bash or pick it because you foolishly picked a familiar that wasn't the pixie.


Fairly sure that's done intentionally to avoid kiting her around.


Oh, I imagine it is.  Problem is it creates a dilemma for the party mage that goes as such:

1)  The new Jasper AI Lady Wyvernspur has means she casts her spells at whoever they'll have the greatest effect on.
2)  Since she spawns with full wards and can see almost everyone in the room, that's almost always going to be the mage.
3)  Her caster level is a good deal higher than the average level of any player that runs that dungeon.

The mage now has a dilemma.  They can either go into the room with everyone else, then get dispelled instantly and die without getting a chance to act because she leads with Timestop, or they can duck back into the room and get locked out because they can't open the door again. If the rest of the party wipes, they now have no way to get in OR out because the doors on both sides are locked.

The only ways out of this are to either...

1)  Know the one spell she can't see you through and have it on hand then avoid crossfire.
2)  Have a pixie familiar that can re-open the door.
3)  Overlevel the dungeon so she can't dispel you.

It just doesn't feel very good when it happens.  One solution that Vince mentioned ingame, and one I'd be happy with, would be to have a portal that goes into the room, which eliminates the kiting problem but also means the vulnerable party members don't have to go in with the front line and get blown up right away.

Atomic Twinkie

Never really had a problem with this.

Travel with a party, take countermeasures (like Greater Sanctuary) and capitalise on the fact that you're getting targeted and not your party.

It's how we managed Asbaron a ton.


Atomic Twinkie Avatar
Never really had a problem with this.

Travel with a party, take countermeasures (like Greater Sanctuary) and capitalise on the fact that you're getting targeted and not your party.

It's how we managed Asbaron a ton.

We were in a party... she our arcanist is a sorc not a mage and did not have Greater Sanctuary. 
" Just take that little voice in your head that tells you to be tactful and understanding and shoot it. Shoot it in the goddamn face. " - Kirito .. Message is brought to you by the Kirito is Always Right Foundation.

Atomic Twinkie

I didn't say she went alone, I was giving solutions to a problem! :)

She can get scrolls of Greater Sanctuary, if need be! It's how I'd get around not knowing it.


It's still something of a problem with forcing the squishies to rush in with the tanks.  Becomes a situation where if your squishies don't have Greater Sanctuary they're virtually guaranteed to die due to Lady Wyvie opening with Timestop then casting Disjunction and Wail of the Banshee right on your face.


She could probably use a larger room to kill you all in.  <_<
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel