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Tribe/grove in Hullack forrest

Started by daemonia, Apr 11, 2015, 09:28 PM

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Me and a group of friends have been trying to make a tribe/grove in a Forrest on a different server but everyone kept breaking our stuff we built and or always fought with us so it was impossible. The area in Hullack is called the giants and its a safe zone area. we asked one of the locals if the place was deserted and come to find out that it is. We would like to know if it be ok if we set up there. It would be great for RP and could also fend off goblin attacks.


There actually is a druidic faction here on the server that operates out of the Hullack and the King's Wood forests. Though I'm not sure if any of the members are currently active at this time, there's absolutely no reason new druid characters wouldn't be welcome, and the activity might encourage current or former members to be more active as well.
Kestal | Bernadette | Eden | Tonya | Vaszayne | Koravia | Alastriona | Natascha | Emari | Urilias-Zhjaeve | Hiltrude | Tatya | Dioufn | Aida | Cyrillia | Megan | etc.
DM Tiamat | Szuriel | Maedhbh | Cassilda


Thats splendid! i would like to see more druid characters and i hope that making the tribe/grove in the hullack would bring in some attention. hopefully we will get things under way once we find some things to make the place more grove tribeish.


daemonia Avatar
Me and a group of friends have been trying to make a tribe/grove in a Forrest on a different server but everyone kept breaking our stuff we built and or always fought with us so it was impossible. The area in Hullack is called the giants and its a safe zone area. we asked one of the locals if the place was deserted and come to find out that it is. We would like to know if it be ok if we set up there. It would be great for RP and could also fend off goblin attacks.
The Giants actually isn't deserted last I heard. I believe there's player housing in that area belonging to the character Elf, and at one point the giants were part of the druid circle headed by Cinnia if I recall correctly. Considering it's a player area you may need to consult those players about using it for your own faction or to ask about reviving theirs. Elf's player is and Cinnia's is @nonee.


ah thats a shame. it be nice to meet these guys but last time we ever tried sharing land with another faction or permission to live there, it didnt go to well. i guess i gotta keep searching since im a tad more active then my group. Would the stargorge be occupied?

Fire Wraith

Nonee can point you in the right direction, being involved with the existing faction.

I would note though, while we're on the topic of factions in general, that CD has a standing policy if there are players that want to do a theme, we want to get them involved - no one gets to have a monopoly on a particular group or faction theme.

Ideally getting people involved means bringing them into an existing faction, because the more people involved in a group/faction, the better and more interesting the RP, and the more opportunities for plots and doing stuff.  If necessary though, we can set up something separate, if for whatever reason that isn't working out.  That's not to discount what Nonee and the others are talking about with the existing group, in this case, by any means - I just don't want people to think that some other less active faction has a monopoly on thieves/mage guild stuff or whatever, and get bummed out rather than having their characters step up to take over a dead faction or create a new one.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."


Just created last night. Whatever you're up to, I'd like to contribute.


Stargorge gets frequent use for romantic interludes, if I remember correctly.
"Death floats on the air, creeps through the window, comes with the handshake of a stranger. If we stop living because we fear death, then we have already died." ~ Raistlin Majere


To give a summary of what I know of the Giants because it's complicated!

The Ground of the Giants is the Giants! Iyanna has no ooc claim on it, in character she calls herself the Guardian of the Giants, based on past in game events but hey if I stop playing her and someone else takes over that as Fire said well that's life roleplay moves on! As it is I haven't stopped playing Iy but my play time is limited right now. This also includes the house in a tree down on the surface, I believe it used to be player housing but I have no idea who that player even was!

The Leaflords Shade 'above' the Giants, was originally made by another Player but when they mostly retired the character they passed custodianship of it over to Iyanna, as it stands Iyanna is one of the few PC's on the server with access to the whole of the Shade.

Iyanna's tribe:- Are not represented on the server but are around and can be assumed I guess to mostly hang around the Shade when no one else is around, they are all female, and Wild Elves, they are also more the survivors of Iyanna's Tribe and very skittish around anyone they do not know. This is regardless of whether the person is human, half-elf, elf, fey whatever, they have survived being betrayed by the rest of their own Tribe, anyone else is just not going to be trusted. ((To be exact Iyanna has stated the rest of the Tribe to no longer by her Tribe, she and the survivors have disowned them, and Iyanna considers and intends to one day make official, the rest of her former Clan to be Dhaerow))

Anyway thought I'd give some info since it was brought up!


So if no one really has claim of the area and we can't merge into an existing group cause the group is not present, could we establish our living there? I certainly wouldnt mind meeting your tribe because hey, no one likes it when someone moves into there home to make a home but its another thing if its been left. My friends and I wouldnt mind merging into another grove/tribe group thats there or if theres no one there that we can merge with then all i would ask for is permission to set up tribe there in the giants area. If so i would also wanna change things around make it like a tribe lives there with modding since one of my friends is experienced in coding NWN design. Through that Sugestions of customization would be nice of what we could add and what not c: (If im asking too much please let me know D:)