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Underdark Subforum

Started by whangdoodle, Feb 07, 2016, 10:30 AM

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Removing Post due to a lot of unnecessary drama it is causing me.


I second this request.


Another possible would be a subforum for the underdark with it's sub for Dark Deeds, I say this because not everyone who might visit the underdark is doing dark deeds, but I do agree that those of you who are need a place to do so. The Starlight Grove has such an arrangement there is the Starlight Grove and then a Druids section. I think the druids section is limited to Druids if it's not then ignore this, and I'd just third the Dark Underdark Deeds sub board and limit it to said dark deeds. As that is something needed. I hope that makes sense? Basically if it's a choice between a under dark board open to any who want to go there, and one limited to just evil folks, the evil folks need it more but if we can have a dark deeds section within it, then I'd suggest that choice be taken.


I would like something specifically for Drow, especially Lolthite, I am not sure if the Elistraee group has one, if not I would think something for them too. Since Lolthites are apparently growing too.
Loss of empathy might well be the most enduring and deep-cutting scar of all, the silent blade of an unseen emey, tearing at our hearts and stealing more than our strength- Drizzt Do'Urden


destinysdesire Avatar
I would like something specifically for Drow, especially Lolthite, I am not sure if the Elistraee group has one, if not I would think something for them too. Since Lolthites are apparently growing too.
Hmm well if it's possible it might be good to have the parent board be underdark and a sub board for Lolthites, not everyone in the underdark is a Drow. Through them and the Red Wizards would be the two largest factions and the only two who really would need their own dedicated sub board. I do agree that Lolthites having their own place to plot and plan through sounds useful.


You might find there is a few Vhaeraun worshippers as well.


Red Wizards have their own board as is, though it's rather dead for the time being with very few of us being particularly active.



Guys, we don't just create sub-forums for every possible group.  We do create forums for separate groups when they have 5 or more active participants interested.

That said, I may put up an Underdark forum later, when I get home.


I do like the idea of this suggestion. This does remind me, though, that I have some questions about the Elves of Deepingdale and the new Underdark forum.

Is membership for either forum at this point going to just be based on if an admin finds there is roleplay involvement or reason for characters to have such forums? Or will the membership for both forums start becoming relatively restricted? 

When I was a moderator for the Elves of Deepingdale forum, I was giving access to those who would be welcome in the elf-only corners and privy to Velethuil Council matters (things may have changed since). Even with this, though, there was nothing before stopping an elf who would be interested in hurting other elves from having access to the Elves of Deepingdale forum. It was basically assumed consequences followed with the roleplay (e.g., elves exiled) and people can have forum access removed as needed.  This way seems more reasonable for me, but because more people are growing concerned about harmful metagaming (which is a shame it happens and now there is concern of it), such a system is not significantly going to help. Not to mention "double-dipping/having two opposed PCs" is legal here (not so much on other servers).

On the other hand, if guidelines and expectaions remain the same, it would only be fair for, say, secret Eilistraean (or similar) agents to have access to the latter group with the way things are. Lest we 'overcompensate.'

Importantly, and sometimes forgotten: the Underdark will have a lot more chaos and inter-faction conflicts than other places. Nothing prevents such guilds from turning on each other, even in a non-PvP way. Intra-faction conflicts are also more common place, which is one stake everyone has to face. Would it perhaps behoove to also have a forum dedicated to the primary guilds themselves (the 5+ player count), and those who are interested in work with them? If it's the guilds' plots that are of concern of being leaked out? That might be the surest way to keep the guild plots going and also higher rates of secrecy on matters (e.g., journals). 

I am up for the idea. I just think these notes are worth thinking over, as well. Especially since it seems the concern is the flow of OOC information (or lack thereof). I hope my points are not too long-winded - I have been tired (17 hour day and all) and might edit the post later if need.

"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow


Short and simple:  An Underdark forum will be for those who primarily interact in the Underdark.  Eilistraeens who live/operate primarily on the surface will not have access unless they talk to an admin.

Faction forums are not meant to be player policed.


We are still on the same page, then! Like I said, I support the idea wholeheartedly. I just wanted to have clarification on some matters. Thank you very much, Bella!


"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow


Forum created.  Please post here for access.


Calyl would like Access please
Loss of empathy might well be the most enduring and deep-cutting scar of all, the silent blade of an unseen emey, tearing at our hearts and stealing more than our strength- Drizzt Do'Urden


Azh'yal Rilynar would like to get access too.


Access please (Arak'glis).