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Obryn, Cym, Gonk, Marbles, Akira

Started by misfit, Feb 11, 2014, 08:55 AM

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I've been lurking around CD for a long time, but don't get involved in nearly as much rp/quests/plots as I'd like. Much of that is due to my schedule. I'm often not on long enough, or at the right times, or have to cut out frequently. But for those chances in which I am able to invest some time, I want to give some info about me and my characters here, so that interested players and DM's have a little more to go on.

Obryn - Typical dwarf, a priest of Clangeddin, gruff and grumpy on the surface, but is always looking for ways to help the down-and-out.

Cym - Quiet, cautious, and reserved elven ranger. He's rather anti-social - not that he doesn't like people, just that he prefers peace and quiet. He has a particular hatred of the undead, practically an obsession, and is willing to embark on any quest to send them where they belong.

Gonk - A cleric of Ilmater, he has a very dim view of society. He's seen the worst of it, and expects the worst. He's the least sociable of my characters - even worse than Obryn and Cym - but will respect those who earn it.

Marbles - A gnome tinker with ADHD, Marbles has a "poke it with a stick" mentality. He's as likely to offend as entertain - possibly both at the same time.

Akira - A fisherman from the far east, he woke up one day to find himself on the banks of the wrong river outside of Arabel, and has been acclimating himself to his new home ever since. He believes that Selune brought him here, but doesn't yet know why. And frankly, neither do I.

Of course, I know it doesn't help that I have an arsenal of characters, but I just can't seem to bring myself to land on one of them. But if you see any of these characters online, please feel free to ping me. I'm generally open to switching to another by request, unless I'm in the middle of something. I'd just like to make the most of my limited time on CD.



The Red Mage

I see some grumpy, quiet, not social in there! Make sure you're not just being reactive to your setting and fellow players, but you're willing to strike up RP/ Conversation/ Adventure with others as well(this post does make you seem willing!).

Few things are worse in the world than a few quiet, reserved characters sitting in the square afraid to say the first word.

A few things that will help you get a DMs attention:

Being at the right place at the right time- If you're out and about in the world, you'll likely get a friendly pop in and small ad-hoc from a DM. However, if you're alone, a DM may leave you alone, because usually when a player is by themselves out and about, I think they are just trying to get a quick dungeon or something in before needing to go; it strikes me as someone who doesn't have enough time to roleplay.

Keep a journal- Keeping a journal or at least updating your character's biography let's DM's know where your current character's interests and goals are. This post is a good start.

Post in the Roleplaying section- If you don't have much time to play in-game lately, try making a thread or participating in a thread on the Roleplaying section. It usually doesn't take as long to come up with something, and you can reply at your leisure. It also let's people get to know your characters, even ones you may not see often in game.

Quest participation- Don't be afraid to sign up for quests or to request a quest. If a quest fits one of your characters, or hell, if a quest is the complete opposite of one of your character's motives(sometimes that can be a fun for the DM as it brings a little conflict), sign up for it. If you have a great idea for a quest for one of your characters, make a quest request and talk to some staff or other players and get people together with your characters so we can get to know them.