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It's Time to Face the Facts! >:( ... The Fun Facts <:)

Started by Ogre Time Yay, Mar 24, 2014, 09:08 AM

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Daeatria: For all of her 'moon-elven' tolerance, Daeatria is not romantically attracted to men who will not live long, and strongly prefers elven or elvish qualities.  And for all her confidence and strong-willed demeanour, the etrielle is fragile deep inside. To note, according to the APA, she would have a relative case of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).
"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow


Sheighley Flynn is a native of cormyr and her aunt is a priestess at the temple of Llira in Waymoot.  Her mother was killed in the battle of Waymoot by orcs.

Carys McKenna has never committed to a serious relationship since causing a bad breakup of her two best friends and entering the service of Firehair.

Eilira ravenshadow is an orphan who never met her mother and has had a deep desire to connect with a family ever since.


-Rhea isn't her name.  It's a severe bastardization of her name.  Shavandal is a madeup surname, gibberish in Elven.  She doesn't know her family/clan name.
-In spite of her hatred of it, she's really good at paperwork, bookkeeping, etc.  She hates doing it though, so she leaves a mess if made to do it.
-Believes in love, for others.  Highly skeptical/afraid of relationships of her own.  Equally wary of friendships.
-Has only been drunk twice.  Once was in a "drinking contest" with Wulgar.

-Has 4 children that are practically her age (because timey-wimey chaos magic).
-Most people know she doesn't know how to swim.  They also "know" that she's afraid of water.  Not true.  She's fine with baths, lakes, and oceans.  She's afraid of water elementals, rivers and fountains.
-Lost her shadow to a soul-eating aberration/shadow.

Ogre Time Yay

Mentally insane in almost every meaning, but over centuries of learning focus he has mastered the ability to determine what is real and what isn't. When Hydaro sits in the square in Central Arabel silently looking off to the East, it is likely because he is looking at people or things that are not really there, in observation of them. Hydaro hates being in the middle of large crowds for two major reasons. He believes that there is always someone in some crowd who will want to put a dagger in his back, the other reason is that all of the voices and memories running through his head at the same time makes it hard to focus on busy conversations between a large crowd. Drinking (alot) helps Hydaro focus, oddly enough.

Hydaro limps around because his left knee is bad from a strike he took to it when he was in the Abyss some years back. His knee is actually fully healed and in good condition, the pain he feels in his knee is all in his head. Every now and then his mind will replay the pain he felt when his knee was struck.

Despite being the head teacher of the White Cloak Academy, Hydaro prefers following orders rather than giving them, especially if the one giving orders has earned that right in his view. Hydaro will usually follow James St. Bell's orders without question.

Because of years of physical and mental abuse when he was a child, Hydaro is able to ignore pain more effectively. He was also trained by an old Dwarven Defender decades ago that taught him how to withstand strong attacks.

It's a mystery as to why Hydaro likes hunting ogres. His parents had no history of favoring ogre hunting, nor was he taught to hate ogres when growing up. Ogres have never really wronged him in a way where he would seek revenge... Hell, Hydaro himself doesn't even know why he loves hunting ogres, he just does it.

When Hydaro goes into battle, he loses all pain in his knee, the voices in his head stop, he stops seeing things, and he becomes completely focused.


daphne Avatar
((Post redacted by embarrassed poster))
Totally shouldn't have! I could easily have said the same about all mine! (Especially Tindra!)
"Death floats on the air, creeps through the window, comes with the handshake of a stranger. If we stop living because we fear death, then we have already died." ~ Raistlin Majere


realityjumper Avatar
daphne Avatar
((Post redacted by embarrassed poster))
Totally shouldn't have! I could easily have said the same about all mine! (Especially Tindra!)
Yep!  I stumble into effective builds once in a blue moon.  (Only thing I'm really good at is a rogue!)

The Red Mage

Marziima really loves to fish. There's something about the bait and switch of it all that appeals to him. The fact he can catch a large beast with something as insignificant as a worm by tricks and illusions makes it relevant to what it means to be a merchant. Ironicly, as much as Marziima likes the ideology of fishing, he's pretty terrible at it.

Ogre Time Yay

Yedir Crowblade:

Crowblade isn't Yedir's original clan name.

There use to be more than one Crowblade, in fact there was an entire clan formed of them. Yedir never witnessed the separation from his original clan, he was born into the clan of Crowblade. These are a group of rare sneaky Dwarves.

He is now currently the last surviving member of the Crowblade after being betrayed by a group of Dwarves near the end of the siege on Skullcrag. Yedir hid among the corpses and occasionally took on the habits of a crow to blend in with the environment and avoid detection from those hunting him.

Despite the death of his clan, Yedir holds no grudges and cares very little for things such as revenge.

Yedir lives in the Slums of Arabel, but never in one spot. Those looking for him can follow the sound of his violin music until they get to him, but if he does not recognize the one looking for him, he will halt his music and remain hidden while relocating to another area in the slums.


I dig this thread.
Alameth: Owns a cat.  Practices the flute but is still bad at it, nonetheless he enjoys the excercise.  Still harbors terrible guilt for something,  although he hasn't consciously acknowledged it.
Mirabell: Pretty much what you see is what you get.  Has a giant spider for a roommate.   Her name is Georgette and its smart enough to understand common.   She also lives with an oddly intelligent mimic which serves as the door and guard to her lab.  She met it after it saved her and Tyrus' life in the ogres redoubt.  Once spent a year as a lawn ornament after getting drunk and miscasting a stone skin spell.
Savateem: Has become interested in the study of history,  specifically the rise and fall of kingdoms and empires.  May very well one day suffer a serious crisis of faith, which may fare badly for him as he has on at least one occasion gained the attention of his diety.
Rose:I created Rose because I felt like playing something exotic.   While I normally play good aligned characters,  my tastes do tend to lean to the darker things like tieflings.   I decided to try and be brighter for a change,  so went with aasimar.  I liked the idea that as she became more in touch with her own beliefs and gained a greater uunderstanding of her nature it would bring out more of her celestial heritage .  To that end I thought the monk abilities nicely portrayed that as well as suiting her introspective nature.  
She enjoys Blueberry wine, as it reminds her of her home in Damarra, as well as painting.

Ogre Time Yay

Hydaro's casual wear, the worn out green uniform he tends to wear on the rare occasions of when he's not packed down in armor, is actually his old prison uniform. Out of the numerous times that Hydaro has been to prison, it was one of his first trips where he took a liking to this beaten standard prisoner uniform to which he felt the need to hang onto it.

... Did I mention that Hydaro has been to prison a few times? He's Chaotic Good for a reason, he has quite a crime record...


Daeatria: She speaks the drowish dialect of elven more like a native than she speaks elvish elven.  Her elvish elven only comes across as good as it does because she had linguistic training at a young age. When drunk or in rage, she slips into the accent of the former, with a high class Illuskan touch when speaking common (though one that sounds 'Bristolian British' more than Germanic/Icelandic/etc). She also tries to pick up other elven dialects, as well. 

Taly'siana: The half-celestial has taken on the form of a male before when using alter self, despite her conservative tendencies when compared to my femme fatale. This was when she was being curious about the matter. Though I do not remember -all- the details of that since it had over four years ago. :-D In either case, everyone can be assured because of her nature, things kept in the Disney-friendly realm when she took the form of a male!  ;-) 
"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow


Jaylithel: Despite all his jesting, sexual innuendo and flirting, is highly devoted to the thought of monogamous love. While he certainly can and freely admits attraction to other women, he would never act on those attractions. This all stems from when he was with Analith and the time following their arrest and eventual release for the assault on the elven settlers in the northern Hulluck. It was around this time that they questioned their following of Shar and the contradiction of her teachings and their growing feelings for each other. While in this state, Jay continued his act of carousing and was in mid coitus with another woman when Analtih walked in on them at the hot springs. Analith flipped out, her heart broken and ran straight back into Shar's arms. Jay rightfully blames himself for this result and for all of the tragedy that happened both to and by Analith since then. For this reason he will never stray to another bed while he is committed to someone.

Speaking of the killing of elves. Very few know this secret of Jaylithel. While he did go on trial for the massacre of the settlers years ago, he was never proven guilty of the crime or that he was the assassin known as " Silk". The matter was dropped when Jay, Analith and a few others caught and slew the one behind the contract. As it happened in Cormyr, few in Semberholme are aware of details of the event. If it were known, he likely would have been booted out of Velethuil long ago. He still has nightmares of burnt elven children. One in particular that was horribly burned, but still alive. The echos of the child's cries and the memory of finishing it off himself haunts him. He will awaken from this dream in cold sweat and feel the need to wash his hands to the point of them being red and raw. Jaylithel will still sometimes dress in his old "Silk" clothing in the seedier parts of Arabel to stay up on the gossip of the underworld.
" Just take that little voice in your head that tells you to be tactful and understanding and shoot it. Shoot it in the goddamn face. " - Kirito .. Message is brought to you by the Kirito is Always Right Foundation.


Traorin is a packrat. He's got so much junk in his pack that he usually only has about 10lbs of leeway (unbuffed) until he's encumbered. He will carry just about anything that may be useful while out adventuring. He also may or may not have 12 of those trunks that offer 80% weight reduction, too... >_>.


Serrin - Has terrible dress sense outside of his armour, he has actually been asked not to go clothes shopping on his own, A request he "mostly" sticks to.  He also likes cats


Taly'siana: Unlike Daeatria, who can only manage to make something edible or 'okay' when it comes to cooking, Taly'siana -loves- to cook.  Not only does she do it with enthusiasm, but she can do a variety of dishes.  She has a talent for it.  If it is something she does not know how to make, she is enthused to learn how to do so.  This is why people will often find her stuffing people's faces in the square, namely with sweets.  Especially as an 'ice breaker' or tension tamer. 

(Postscript:  I am personally curious what it is about half-celestials and sweets. <.< I think Rhea and Taly'siana both have a thing for them. It certainly cannot be a stereotype! :-D) 
"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow