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It's Time to Face the Facts! >:( ... The Fun Facts <:)

Started by Ogre Time Yay, Mar 24, 2014, 09:08 AM

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Loves to write. Her journals are extensive and she's tried her hand at some fiction as well.

Is still incredibly klutzy in her "new" body, despite having been Dragonborn for years now. She was not exactly dextrous as a human, and her rebirth only amplified that. It took her several months to learn to fly.

Likes fancy dresses.

Is still immensely modest and very shy about showing a lot of skin... despite the fact that she doesn't have skin anymore, just scales.

Her hair, likewise, is actually long strands of scale; she no longer has any actual hair. Her eyebrows are scaly ridges along her forehead.


Speaks six languages, not counting Common and Elven. Not bad for a Fighter.

Has three actual names - her given name, her Drow name, and her Kara-Turan name. She considers them all equally real.

Is utterly inept at anything involving magic, hence having no ranks in UMD.

Is completely tone-deaf.


Has many children. She doesn't talk about them much for reasons.

Loves paperwork, numbers, calculations, and bookkeeping. Lucky for Rhea.

Despite - or perhaps because of - her insane metabolism, is a teetotaler. It's extremely easy to get her drunk. She doesn't stay drunk for long, but getting there takes surprisingly little, even factoring in her size.


Her favorite hobby is wood-carving/whittling.

She collects random junk because it's "interesting".

Her reference to herself in the third person at all times ("This one" instead of "I", "me", etc.) is a defensive habit picked up early in her youth, not anything intrinsic to her fey nature.

Has a surprisingly good singing voice and can dance as well.


Once nearly died in a fire that burned an inn down around her, and had a phobia of fire for months afterward, to the point where she couldn't cast fire spells or wield flaming weapons. Not a good prospect for a cleric of Talos. Still prefers electricity or ice spells over fire when given the option.

Was born barren/infertile, and desperately has always wanted children of her own. A druid managed to repair whatever internal damage/birth defect caused the former, but she's never managed to have a lover/partner stick around long enough to start a family. She does, however, have an adopted daughter - a ten-year-old Ice Genasi named Emari.

She is terrified of scorpions, but has no issue (beyond "Eugh Lolth") with spiders.


His real name is Morton Aloysius. He hates it.

He has terrible, terrible luck with evil priests. A duergar cleric took his eye. He got cursed by a priest of Cyric once, and again by a priestess of Shar.

He finds cats shifty and untrustworthy.

He likes tea. Blame Bastian.


She prefers surface elf wine to most Drow concoctions. Heresy, I know.

She has a horrid phobia of bats.

She grows her hair so long because as a child she was forced to keep it shorter than her sisters' and it's a way of stepping out of their shadows (despite them being dead and her being an exile/runaway).

Her performance style of choice is dance, which is what she uses during combat. However she is skilled with a fair array of string and woodwind instruments.
Kestal | Bernadette | Eden | Tonya | Vaszayne | Koravia | Alastriona | Natascha | Emari | Urilias-Zhjaeve | Hiltrude | Tatya | Dioufn | Aida | Cyrillia | Megan | etc.
DM Tiamat | Szuriel | Maedhbh | Cassilda


Why not.

Veir has three separate horses, and being a cavalryman from the boots up, he dotes on them a lot.  His courser, Blossom, spooks easily and has almost thrown him a couple times, but is very sociable.  His charger Heinrich is a massive Chessentan destrier and is just about as likely to bite or kick as he is to allow someone to pet him.  Veir's third horse, his palfrey, or general riding horse, is named Elise, after his youngest niece, and has the calmest demeanor of any of his horses.

Speaking of his family, they live in Suzail, and are fairly well off, as he sends his wages to his family, supporting himself through temple duties and other income.  He is quite a family man, though PCs don't see that often.  Actually, if you get past his gruff black and white view of good and evil, he's pretty likable.

Khorigesh, well there's not much too him that isn't readily apparent.  He kind of sticks out.  However, some people may be interested to find out that he is one of a very few half-dragons to be hatched to a female dragon rather than born to a mother of a humanoid species.


Nadia is a savant and is able to at times focus her mind on something she views and be able to carry out that same task exactly. Her initial combat prowess came not from training, but observing a display of practice maneuvers. Each and every swing of her sword is a copy of one she'd studied back then, during her time with the white cloaks, and even when out on adventures with other weapon users. The same with her shield maneuvers, stances, dancing, even "ordinary" tasks like baking or farming from her younger years. There are many things her talent has been incapable of mimicking, but she's always done it without consciously knowing it simply via concentration.

Rin tries to keep up a rough exterior and "devil may care" attitude, but she isn't completely rotten. She's also apparently got "mommy" issues I thought she was over, although she'd be the last to say anything. She's also very confused when it comes to men, delighting in leading them on or teasing, but has no idea how to handle them (usually just settling for a trite excuse to break things off before they start).

Jace may be an inter-dimensional visitor, a time-traveler, or he may be batshit insane. He's beginning to understand how latches and knobs work on doors, at least.


James learned to read and write in Elvish before he learned to do so in Common. He'd learned the Elven language from Hydaro and other elves over time, and was taught to spell in the language as well! From there, he took some time "un-translating" most of the stuff he learned.

Also, if you hadn't spoken to him in the language already, you can tell that speaking in the elven tongue isn't his first language based on how rigid and formal his speech is. He even loses his accent!


Daeatria had only recently began eating meat outside of meat that remained after animal sacrifices (e.g., the past nine IRL months).

Korian ''Silver'' likes cats, and bastard swords (preferably the rare elvish ones, though).

Taly'siana enjoys teaching low-class/caste people basic self-defense techniques, especially women in these groups.
"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow

The Nameless Bard

Lissa is terrified of crossing bridges.  Her bother told her that there is a chance that every time she crosses a bridge, a Riddle Troll will come out.  If she fails to give the correct answer, the troll will eat her.  She's now been told they are not real, but she's still worried when crossing bridges.  Just in case.

She never saw one and just assumed she was lucky.


Bass is afraid of Babies; and he calls them Parasites.


dom101 Avatar
Bass is afraid of Babies; and he calls them Parasites.
Seeing Bass around a kid a while back was honestly one of my favorite things on this server, like, ever.


TheGuyThatPlaysAsJames Avatar
dom101 Avatar
Bass is afraid of Babies; and he calls them Parasites.
Seeing Bass around a kid a while back was honestly one of my favorite things on this server, like, ever.

Mystic Warden

TheGuyThatPlaysAsJames Avatar
dom101 Avatar
Bass is afraid of Babies; and he calls them Parasites.
Seeing Bass around a kid a while back was honestly one of my favorite things on this server, like, ever.
So, everybody out there who hates Bass and/or Dom: create a young woman character than find out Bass in game and tell him: 'I am pregnant, and you are the father!'. :)
Sindel Sinul, witch, herbswoman and tarot reader extraordinaire with a strong business sense
Diana Castelli, cute bookworm, arcane nerd, with the 'Weapon focus: book' feat
Vicky DeVille, daddy's princess, conjuring up some trouble
Melinda Moon, merc with a mouth and two tonfa-hilted short swords

Colin Mack

Kyle: Doesn't like duels in the Arena. Being a former slave who had to kill for the amusment of others the idea just makes him feel wrong.

Alice: Is a half elf but does have human parents. The joys of genetics people. Also looks like Ceya and Sophia Benes.....

Cecilia: Mwahahahah... Really likes pretty flowers.. but shhh..

Ogre Time Yay

Hydaro's features are alot different from the average elf, with arms packed with muscles strong enough to pull ogres apart, long WoW Nightelf style eye brows, a large nose, and a wide chin and jaw that is as hard as tightly compressed stone... So much so that once upon a time I considered making Hydaro's back story be where one of his parents was a dwarf and the other was an elf, seeing as he pretty much looks like a taller, beardless dwarf. That plan changed during an Icewind Dale 2 role play where James found a sword with Hydaro's name on it, and gifted it to him, which in the long run, ended up being Hydaro's father's sword.

Fun little fact about Hydaro, he could have been a Half Dwarf/Half Elf. :)


2 Fun Facts:

Jay of the Dark Hand was originally inspired by I.C.P. rapper Violent J.

Jay of the Dark hand and Jaylithel Thoslethin both origined from the same character concept.

The first was a halfling who was mentally off. Childlike, and socially awkward/stunted in development but very intelligent. Exceptionally gifted in roguish arts without even really trying to be. Being small, he always took side with the underdog, the oppressed, but his ways of "helping" were often extreme and violent. Like a child he had near instant trust with those who were kind and friendly towards him.  

When I moved on to another server (Devil's Den) from my original (RDR), I was still too in love with the character to let him go, but I wanted to twist it up a bit since I was starting at level 1 again. Instead of being a halfling, I made him a small elven child. This would become Jaylithel. Eventually he would grow up. The two took decidedly different paths and one or the other other made their way to every server I played on since. CD was the first and only to ever have both versions.
" Just take that little voice in your head that tells you to be tactful and understanding and shoot it. Shoot it in the goddamn face. " - Kirito .. Message is brought to you by the Kirito is Always Right Foundation.

Ogre Time Yay

The Blood Cloaks, the group of warriors and killers that Hydaro came from, many of their ways and culture are based off of ancient Mayans if their culture had been carried on to more of a medieval fantasy time period. It's where I pulled the idea of the tribal like tattoos and occasional piercings, as well as making brutal and persistent warriors that kill at the command of their lord, as well as killing off their weakest members as a form of sacrifice. The red circle branding on their faces are symbols of rank, going as high as 4 brands, with the fourth being the highest. Each Blood Cloak member wears a single gauntlet with sharp metal claws, helpful as most of their kills consist of ripping off the head or ripping out the heart of a victim that is still alive. They have some obsession with being drenched in their enemies blood, each of their cloaks started out white and was actually stained with blood (hence the name, Blood Cloaks). They don't fear death because they lack self awareness, accepting that they are nothing more than a weapon for their lord to wield. Aside from the Mark Rankings, each Blood Cloak is trained in a set of different categories:

Phantom (Spider or Snake is their symbol), often staying hidden and striking from the shadows, most of the time specifically to protect Three Mark or higher.
Example: Mort, Princess

Challenger (Predator cats like Lions or Tigers are their symbol) , fearless, terrifying(almost monstrous in nature) presence and prefer to face off against much bigger/gigantic/formidable foes, these are the frontline head hunters/warriors.
Example: Hydaro, Grambell

Shaman (Scavenger birds like vulchers, crows or ravens are their symbol) are often practitioners of Necromancy, and are in charge of both raising babies, toddlers, children to the age of 10 before placing them into the cold, isolated hell that is the life of a Blood Cloak growing up. They are also in-charge of brain washing their members at a young age.
Example: Raven


I'll bite at this fun little thing here...

Tavaris Rook
-This character's name is actually an anagram of my own with an added letter. ;)
-Was inspired by a very low point in my life where I just wanted a character that was purely fun/joy. Hence Lliiran, boyish, and fun-loving bard.
-Has a Greensteel Longsword but never uses it.
-Is intended to be something of a caricature of myself when I was younger. I tended to lack wisdom (youth, heh.), be incredibly idealistic, and set near-impossible goals for myself that I would doggedly pursue - much like Tavaris with his dragons.
-I have 0 artistic talent: can't sing, can't really dance well, am a bit unforgiving...pretty much the exact opposite of Tavaris' outgoing, upbeat nature. As an analog for myself this is where I made Tavaris what I wanted to be rather than what I was.

Nimuri Salil
-Pretends to be a nymphomaniac but in actuality is very selective in her partners (so she's a terrible tease).
-Was actually in love once when she was younger.
-Has a more fleshed-out background than any of my other characters on the server - with an incomplete back story over 15 pages long so far.
-Is somewhat based on the prevalence of 'slutty' female characters found in much fantasy gaming/writing and fiction. She was inspired by a desire for a character who most would consider intended only for cyber (ironic because I never have and never will cyber with her. ;) ) but that actually has a strong mechanical build and powerful, tragic rp behind her.
-Is currently shelved because the concept isn't working the way I'd like. Nimuri doesn't do well in a vacuum, but for the majority of the time I've played her she's had little to no interaction with others so I've put her up for the time being.

Kalerat 'Voss' Plamen
-Voss' first and last names are taken from Romani and translate to: Black Blood (a reference to his demonic nature) and Flame (a separate reference to his fiery wings). Voss was chosen as a nickname at the time of his creation because I'd intended the character to have a personality very similar to a character I played on another server long ago named Stenvoss (Stonefox) who was a constitution-based barbarian with similar temperament to the current Voss. According to Urban Dictionary: Voss is also a word used to describe "a really hot guy that is handsome and has an extremely large penis" or "a very erotic man that ladies would love to have their way with". I seriously did not know this until today.
-Voss wears a collar ever since he forced Mouse to wear one and then did something terrible to her. She placed the collar sized for her around his neck to prove a point, but Voss took a different meaning from it and continues to wear it out of memory of that lesson. This occurrence was a major turning point for the character and this one moment of rp defines a -lot- of his character in terms of how he feels towards Mouse, women in general, personal responsibility, and strength.
-Voss is actually a very good cook...for some things. Ironically, everything on the Prime tastes of ash to him, so while he can cook well he can't enjoy the benefits of it.
-Is the first half-fiend character I've ever played! (hope I do the template justice!)
-For a while, every time Voss' took off his pants 'Dwarf and Orc' would play from his manhood. Not ironically, 'Dwarf and Orc' is Mouse's favorite song. This happened due to a curse placed on him by a vengeful half-dragon at Mouse's request instead of a more severe retribution.

Lilithiira 'Lily' Crimsonclaw
-Name is derived from Lilith (one of my favorite female names) and the classical fantasy female -ira ending of a name because I wanted to name her Lilith but didn't want to have the same name as another, popular character on the server. ;)
-Concept is based heavily on real-world tribal cultures and views as well as a lot of lore and info-digging into Malar's dogma, history, and relationship with the Black Blood Tribe
-A lily is a flower strongly associated both with purity and death. These aspects are key to understanding Lily's personality in that she is - in a weird way - very pure of heart and innocent in many things; and she is also brutal and violent with a very fatalistic and feral view of the world (hence Death).
-Lily - like Nimuri - was in part inspired due to a disturbing trend I've noticed in fantasy gaming and roleplay wherein 'uncivilized' characters are represented as unintelligent and stereotypical. My goal with Lily is to portray a character with a tribal background as intelligent but disconnected with the world she's trying to fit into and to show the steps she takes to rectify her two worlds and evolve as a character.
-Is a werewolf (duh!), but being a natural-born lycanthrope is based more heavily on the Native American myths and legends of 'skinwalkers' than the traditional European idea of Lunacy and people turning into werewolves under the light of the full moon (and suffering violent madness as a result).
-Lily is - in my opinion - the most tragic character I've ever played. Something very dark lies in this character's background, and while I may -hint- at it in rp or in posts, only those who truly come to understand the character are likely to ever see it (partly because it's a very squick topic and I'd rather keep it away from people who'd be offended by it).
-Is more vain than Nimuri!

Lanius Israfel
-Name is derived from Latin 'Butcher' or 'Executioner' (Lanius, Lanii) and alludes to Edgar Allan Poe's poem Israfel which itself references the Islamic burning trumpet angel Israfil (a sort of patron to bards, singers, and those with a skill for words)
-Uses a scythe not as a symbol of death or reaping (which doesn't exist as an image in FR) but of life and rebirth (as: Chauntea wields a scythe, making it a symbol of the harvest and agriculture)
-Writes nursery rhymes and children's stories
-Is an illusionist who revels in the disparity between reality and illusion. His favorite trick is making illusionary doughnuts and handing them out to others to see the looks on their faces when they bite into nothing...or occasionally to smirk when the illusion works and they taste a delicious sweet treat that isn't really there.
-Appears insane and very well might be, though some have made sense of his cryptic ramblings.
-His propensity for illusions has him constantly looking for deeper meanings in everything he the extent that sometimes he'll invent a deeper meaning where one doesn't exist.
-Is a theurge and low-level, so I play him very seldom as leveling him solo is very grind-y and not much fun.

Tahlruil Kennyr'lylth
-Name is derived from Tolkien Elvish and means "Blade Prince Sworn to the Sword"
-Would technically be considered minor elven nobility in the region of Tangled Trees and High Forest, but his lineage is impossible to verify
-Has been to Myth Drannor after its fall and intends to return (the first visit did not go well)
-Believes himself to be descended from a valiant - and famous - elven warrior who fell in the last stand before Myth Drannor was overrun. Despite the incongruity in time periods given Tahl's age (he was born almost a hundred years -after- the fall of Myth Drannor), Tahl still believes he's descended from this warrior.
-His real father was an elvish council member in Tangled Trees and was an established musician, painter, and poet.
-Makes tentacles using a combination of conjuration magic, necromancy, and evocation. These tentacles are constructs and not extraplanar creatures or simple conjured summons. Due to their nature, though, they require a heavy investment of resources to create, rarely last very long without falling apart or exploding, and are severely limited in function - only able to perform 1 or 2 menial tasks for which they're created and not much else.
-Tahl attributes a great deal more sentience to the tentacles he makes than they actually have - in part due to his loneliness and need for companionship
-Has a brother.
-Wears 3 significant symbols tied into his hair - each representing a different aspect of his personality
-Believes elves have become lost to their traditions and are declining as a race due to their isolationism and unwillingness to embrace change
-Hypocritically believes (despite the above) that he is the greatest mage to have ever lived -or that will ever live, and this is due in part to the natural advantage elves have towards magecraft over other races

Ayaka 'Yaya' Radan
-Was born in Arabel's sewers and smells of them (ew)
-Has a very large family that she's very loyal to.
-Is incredibly greedy - particularly for shining treasures or Eastern items
-Doesn't actually hate baths as many would think but refuses to take them for a petty personal reason (making surfacers suffer her stench is her protest against how the poor of Arabel are treated and cast aside - particularly those forced to live in the sewers).
-Is trying to save up money to make her family safer
-Has based much of her life on what she's read about Kozakuran samurai, ninja, and society in Ten-copper action stories she's found floating in the sewers and has no idea that these caricatures of the culture are incredibly inaccurate
-Name is based on 'Yaya' from Unbreakable Machine Doll the animation because the two characters couldn't be more different
-Last name means 'Rat' in Bosnian
-Has an -incredible- constitution and seems able to eat anything (including molded or diseased food)...but has a severe allergy to milk and dairy products
-Despite her stench, shes' very good at sneaking around and even will bathe before going into a situation she knows she needs to be her stealthiest. At such times she will even wear perfume to mask the scent and help conceal herself.
-Likes Eastern scents of orchids, tea, and cherry blossoms and -occasionally- might be caught wearing such fragrances for pleasure.
-Is a tomboy in the truest sense of the word...but secretly envies the noble women she's heard of and seen and fantasizes about what she'd look like cleaned up and dressed up as a noble.