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Messages - Remmy

General Discussion / Screenshot Threat
Sep 17, 2016, 07:03 PM
Theo is now the poster-child victim for the taunt "Do you even lift, bro?"
Off Topic / Post a Picture of Yourself!
Sep 14, 2016, 11:17 PM
So, C/D people, I am currently experiencing a dilemma. Up until a few weeks ago I had a beard, but shaved it off to see what my face would look like without it, it had been so long, and I lost a lot of weight. Now I am undecided on going back. Also forgive the lack of, well, smiling in either picture.


No beard.

And this also being the unoffocial animal pictures thread, here is my Goldador, Honey doing her best "Walk meeeeeee" look.

Thank you much for the awesome plot, RJ! Had a blast.
Player Announcements / That time of year...
Aug 01, 2016, 01:00 PM
Oof. Good luck with the new semester starting. Hopefully it doesn't drive you too bonkers. :)
Wherever will people post paragraphs of chemical analysis on what Tali's tears would taste like now?
Mff. You know the saying about best laid plans? Well, mine got shot to **** this past month. I don't normally post away/arrival messages but I thought I'd do one in this case.

I had plans to get back into the regular swing of NWN after a long series of "moments of sporadic awayness," to quote another thread title that would have been totally fitting for this one if it had not already been taken! Ahem.

To put it simply, and without going into depressing, or stressing detail, my sister-in-law's alcohol abuse has destroyed her marriage to my older brother and has left the care of their son to the rest of our family while my brother has to work to replenish depleted coffers. Because our area is a major metropolitan one and all our homes are spread out this has required a lot of driving, compromising of sleep, and other plans, such as my return to NWN on the regular.

It is my hope that August will be more stable with school starting and him filing for divorce along with a protective order. One month of this has been nerve-wracking, two would be absolutely miserable. I look forward to being able to invest more time into this community and appreciate the support I've received from those aware of this issue.
Luck of Heroes is normally only selectable by characters from a couple regions. Aglarond, the Dalelands, and a few others. While in PnP it does grant a +1 luck bonus to saves and AC its wider availability in NWN, not to mention the fact it can stack with select other bonuses that normally would not stack in D&D make it unnecessary to add the AC bonus. +1 to all three saves is already "worthy."
Welcome back Nevermore! You were quite missed.
whangdoodle Avatar
I can vouche that it is... look up fuzzypinkunicorns666 on steam if anyone wants to play.


Eldar aren't in the game yet though for testing. However- the orks are fun as heck. Just ramming and boarding everything.
Trailer for Eldar dropped today and they said they are being added in next week. I hope the 2v2 and friend matches will also be added in at the same time.
While the server has been down I have been playing the new expansion for Baldurs Gate 1, Siege of Dragonspear. It is pretty interesting so far.

Also Battlefleet Gothic: Armada, a Warhammer 40k spaceship RTS in beta. It is very fun, though still has some balance issues and features to be added before its April 21st release. Eldar are likely to be added tomorrow or Friday.
ServerQuestions / Scaling Spell Damage?
Mar 04, 2016, 06:48 PM
Any PrC that increases your caster level should increase the scaling of spell damage, though there's always a chance that some spell out there might not be configured for it.

Besides that some spells, like Fireball, have a cap on their scaling. In Fireball's case it is a max of 10d6.
Player Announcements / Carp is down!
Jan 02, 2016, 07:32 AM
This past week was not a good weather one for people! My area got tornados. Glad Carp is okay and just had an internet and not a power outtage.
Fantastic as always. Very detailed and belts and buckles without getting into Liefieldian territory. :D
Dexterity already has way too much going for it compared to Strength for such a feat to be balanced. As others have pointed out it already modifies a large number of skills, most of which see a lot more use than the one Str skill, can grant AC values equal to or in excess of the most defensive armors on the server, reflex saves, and attack bonus with weapon finesse. And with attack bonus because most dex classes are flankers they do not have to build themselves with high Con in order to tank fights, allowing for even higher Dex values. Combine with certain classes or PrCs like Ranger that have full attack progression and you get people with ABs higher that some pure class or nearly pure class warriors.

This doesn't even get into the actual hassle implementing said feat would require. While a feat like Zen Archery exists that was a modification of a core mechanic by Bioware, not PW scripters. It may not even be doable, or it may require a cobbled system to replicate imperfectly.
Art & Stories / General purpose art thread
Dec 24, 2015, 05:18 AM
That is absolutely fantastic, likely even new portrait material. Thank you!