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Messages - LaceAndLeather

Suggestions Archive / Half-Elves
Aug 09, 2017, 08:46 AM
What about Silver Palm, to represent the above mentioned PnP balance...? Or would that cause issues as a 1st-level feat?
General Discussion / CD people sound off!!!
Aug 07, 2017, 12:13 PM
Active (and growing more so soon), now in EST as of last week!
Off Topic / Fonts peeps might like to use
Aug 07, 2017, 09:33 AM
As someone obsessed with fonts: These are neat! Handy little list for when you need some D&D-esque fonts on the fly.

Thanks for sharing!
Suggestions Archive / Half-Elves
Aug 07, 2017, 09:27 AM
Edge Avatar
"... a free Skill Focus at 1st level, which they can trade for Weapon Proficiency (Elf) if they're raised by their Elven parent instead of their Human one ... and/or Drow spell-like abilities if they're Half-Drow.

I don't particularly see this as a bad option to add, myself."

I love these ideas! I definitely think it would be a nice way to offset the, erm, diluted "advantages" of the existing half-elf race.

Would this be a manageable direction, or would this create an ungodly amount of LETO requests, etc.?
General Discussion / Shou lung character(s)
Dec 19, 2016, 12:59 PM
I could definitely be interested in a companion character, depending on the concept! PM me if you have some ideas. :)