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Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)

Started by blackhound, Dec 15, 2013, 07:28 PM

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whitespirit Avatar
So, I realize this is kind of random but I have thought about sinisteromnibus last event that I participated and what amazes me is that .. everything just .. fit together, all those little nooks and crannies... its like.. almost a clockwork.. like

GivE me an e
GiVe me a v
Give mE an e
Give me aN n
And lasTly a t

What does this mean?!



Like this :D Honestly amazing.. so very methodical and precise

I'm pleased to know you enjoyed yourself with my events. As for things fitting together...well, I do try, admittedly. Sometimes it all comes together like you said, and sometimes it doesn't, but the key to everything is taking the pieces that you - the players - give me and seeing what I can build with them. :) Without you guys, your interest, and your awesome roleplay my clock wouldn't have cogs, springs, a tick, or a tock. ;)

So thanks to you and everyone else who has ever been in my events. Without you, I'd just be a cuckoo with no clock. :D


Hey, I have plenty of springs and cogs and...tick-tocks. :(


A quick thanks to  and  for helping with Kimbell today, was quick and easy even if I am a bit on the absentminded side. Is good people!



I would like to thank for tonights quest about finding and recovering kidnapped children. Any crime involving children is highly volatile material that can easily explode but you handled the quest tactful and very mindfully, involving every person on the quest in various way so that I could see that no one felt useless of left out. Everyone had something to do and contribute. Your protrayal of the quests bad guy was also quite good and your solution to it being a crazed and insane person seemed a well rounded conclusion. Thank you for considering all these things and working out a very involving but not distressing quest with it :)


Big shoutout to Edge for his Dance of Pales plotline and its awesome conclusion. Thanks for all the hard work you put into this one. It was amazing as ever!


Dance of Pales Finale was spectacular. Edge and Bella are top-notch storytelling sentients.


Thanks to Edge and Bella for the Dance of Pales finale. It was great!


Thanks to RJ for allowing me in to a quest I accidentally wandered into.  I had fun!


to for completely surprising everyone in today's investigation quest with  preperation, detail, decoration, and tactfulness (when it came to handling and describing the story villains mis-deeds). The sheer amount of work that went into preperation and set up for this quest was amazing and I could see it in each area. Even the encounters where you went through the trouble of polymorphing creatures to use a different look (elementals I think) and it wasn't just random. It all had a story. It was all part of the bigger story. And we could all read up on why they were created, how they came to be from the notes of the story villain.

It was simply amazing, also how you juggled all the on goings at the same time and never once failed to respond to anyone's questions, dice rolls or actions. I think one could never ask for more in a quest. Thank you!


I am honored and humbled by this. Thank you so very much for you words.


Thanks to Reality Jumper for a great expedition to an interesting locale. The events and happenings were amazing, and Rashan briefly knew the joy of being worshipped by a single individual as a god. He was Beakzor, the terrible metal bird god of the underworld, all hail His symbol the scrambled egg.

No, seriously, top three of all events I've ever been in, considering all servers and all events, ever.

Just interesting, fun, amazing, strange, and unpredictable.


Thanks Arya and Vincent for last night's event. Though those vicious ghosts and You-Know-Who getting mentioned will probably haunt Caprice for a while.
Kestal | Bernadette | Eden | Tonya | Vaszayne | Koravia | Alastriona | Natascha | Emari | Urilias-Zhjaeve | Hiltrude | Tatya | Dioufn | Aida | Cyrillia | Megan | etc.
DM Tiamat | Szuriel | Maedhbh | Cassilda


I would like  to commend again. In tonights quest she managed to invoke this magic that you feel when you play nwn for the first time or have your very first dm event. The quest was *so* well thought out and set up.. these hours of preperation really showing. And also the way the quest was handled and run.. thank you so much for another very nice memory of a dm event!!! :)


Thank you Nevermore for your "Murders in a Port Town, Act III The Allusive E.M." event. I really regret that I missed first and second part, still I had much fun. Also, thanks for the summary of the previous parts you sent me before event, it was really helpful! Looking forward to see what happens next!


Shout-out to for the continuing Ohno Trigger events. It's gotten to be deeply engaging, far beyond what I expected from the first event.
SDM Sto Helit

When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up. - C. S. Lewis