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The Portrait Shop

Started by Ogre Time Yay, Dec 13, 2013, 07:15 AM

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Ogre Time Yay

Welcome to the Portrait Shop! I thought it would be a neat idea to offer this to anyone interested. From time to time I draw up portraits, or Photoshop actors and actresses faces to make them look like characters from The Forgotten Realms. I know this is called a shop, but you don't really owe me anything... I just thought the name had a nice ring to it.

Examples of my work:



James St. Bell











So that is what I am offering to anyone who thinks their character could do with a new portrait. There are a few things that I ask in return though, nothing big.

1.) I don't work on a schedule with these, and I often only work on portraits when I feel like working on portraits. So it is possible that you may get your portrait and portrait files quickly or it might take awhile depending on how I feel. If it is truly something that is needed for urgent reasons like for a quest being planned on the server or... Or something, I'll make that portrait priority.

2.) No rushing, that goes well with the first rule.

3.) Provide an image of someone you want the portrait to look like. Could be an actor or anyone.

4.) For portraits that people plan to use in game, those will be my priority. I'll be more compelled to work on those than I would on a portrait that will just sit here... On the message board... I will make those too however, just not as fast as in game ones.

Now that we have that all cleared up... Anyone need a new portrait for your character?

Ogre Time Yay

Still working on your portrait, misfit815. The past few weeks have been really chaotic and stressful, so I've had a bit of a delay on most of my images. I'll get it done as soon as possible.


Actually id love two if possible, one for my pixie warren in game and another that hopefully be allowed soon~(you can see the second in the exotic race requests)

How does this work exactly? I give a basic idea on how i want them to look and you doodle it till it looks nice~?

For warren i was thinking something kinda like this:

for Uirwen(Whom's piccu i will use even if she does not get approved!) i was thinking something like a mixture of:
and a female

her info is in the exotic race requests

Ogre Time Yay

That's pretty much how it works, I get a picture of an actor or character from somewhere that has similar looks to what you're going for with your portrait, and I run it through Photoshop and doctor the hell out of it until it looks more spot on with your character with a Forgotten Realms theme and tone.

I'd be glad to make you those two portraits, gonna go ahead and finish up with misfit's though. :)


No rush at all! I'm just excited :3


This sounds pretty awesome, and your work is great. I'd like to request portraits for Caprice, Shezzarin, and Edge if you've time in the waiting list :D (I can space those requests out, as well, if you'd rather not get stuck on one person's requests for too long.)

I'll get suggestion links/images and screenshots of them for you when I get home.
Kestal | Bernadette | Eden | Tonya | Vaszayne | Koravia | Alastriona | Natascha | Emari | Urilias-Zhjaeve | Hiltrude | Tatya | Dioufn | Aida | Cyrillia | Megan | etc.
DM Tiamat | Szuriel | Maedhbh | Cassilda


If you had the time I would love a Requiem an elven version of this man -

Is who I picture him as it would deff be used IG!


Alright, here they are. And yes likewise I would love to use pictures like these in-game.


Note: Caprice is albino, hence the pale skin and red eyes; normally her hair is the white-blonde associated with that, but she also regularly dyes it. If you'd just rather throw a hood over her hair so the picture fits regardless, that would work too; otherwise her hair colors can range anywhere over the spectrum depending on her mood, the green is just what she has currently. It was silver before, and blue before that, etc.
Kyra from Chronicles of Riddick might be a good starting base, she's already got the roguish look Caprice needs, and there's a few pics in there already with hoods on.


Apparently there's already unintended resemblance to the wrestler who goes by the name Edge, so might as well use that as a place to start.


Evanna Lynch seems like a good place to start for a base. Preferably using a picture that gives her a bit more of the Luna-esque spacey, distant contemplative look, which should fit Shez best as she's fey and a little off herself.
Kestal | Bernadette | Eden | Tonya | Vaszayne | Koravia | Alastriona | Natascha | Emari | Urilias-Zhjaeve | Hiltrude | Tatya | Dioufn | Aida | Cyrillia | Megan | etc.
DM Tiamat | Szuriel | Maedhbh | Cassilda


If you had a chance, I'd love to get a portrait of Khorigesh worked up.

I've always seen him as a more bipedal (and smaller, and a little more gold colored) version of Draco from Dragonheart:
Link since the pic isn't showing up: Draco Picture

with this kind of head/facial structure (with a few of the whisker/tendrils of golds along his lower jaw kind of swept back along the jawling to hang down where the bulge at the back is):


Heh - I predict you will get a LOT of requests.

I lost my portrait of Sheighley when my computer died.  So I would like to ask for a replacement please? 

It will be used in game, no rush at all.



I may as well get in line... totally would be used IG.

Asa Butterfield as Simkin

One of the shots from Hugo or Merlin likely fits better than the Ender's Game. The hair is longer and more messy which suits Simkin better.

Feel free to pick a hair color.. white is his most common or light blue, but the whole spectrum is open. 

For further inspiration, here is the portrait that was made for Simkin's mother, Alluria

" Just take that little voice in your head that tells you to be tactful and understanding and shoot it. Shoot it in the goddamn face. " - Kirito .. Message is brought to you by the Kirito is Always Right Foundation.

Ogre Time Yay

I should be able to start moving down the list on all of these this week, seeing as I have this week off from work. :P
I'll see how many I can get done tomorrow.

Ogre Time Yay

I think for the posts with multiple requests, I'll do one from each and then come back to them after I finished everyone else. That was I can keep them flying out for people.

Looking at the Warren portrait provided, it looks like it already has a Forgotten Realms feel to it, but I'll doctor it a bit more to see if I can come up with something unique. :)