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Thank you for Positive DM experience (Not for aDM Feedback!)

Started by blackhound, Dec 15, 2013, 07:28 PM

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Seconded! Sawyer is my new favorite NPC of all time. Can't wait for further interactions with him. Darker Churches was amazing. You really do have a way of instilling that chill-inducing feeling into your plots, and I'm excited for your next quest!

Mystic Warden

Big thanks to for the fun quest yesterday! :) For having really creepy antagonists, and also for the pigs' milk. ;)
Sindel Sinul, witch, herbswoman and tarot reader extraordinaire with a strong business sense
Diana Castelli, cute bookworm, arcane nerd, with the 'Weapon focus: book' feat
Vicky DeVille, daddy's princess, conjuring up some trouble
Melinda Moon, merc with a mouth and two tonfa-hilted short swords


Mystic Warden Avatar
Big thanks to for the fun quest yesterday! :) For having really creepy antagonists, and also for the pigs' milk. ;)



Shout out to  for the awesome Immoral Tales series of events. I greatly enjoyed the narrative style, and it was a very unique take on an event. Much fun was had, and I'd love to be a part of others in the future.


Huge thanks to @belladonna for the Winter Court quest the other night! I've always wanted to get Sylwyn more involved in the Winter Court and the quest was amazing. Thanks to  and  for helping out, too! Can't wait for the next part!


Big ups to for the latest in "Strange Tidings on the Dragonmere." Good tension, rewarding exploration, and critical thinking saving the day was an excellent touch! This has been a tremendously fun questline to be part of with Rhia, so thank you!


Thanks for the help with the beach party! It was an absolute blast. It sure won't be the last party Samdyrion hosts :D


Thanks to for the great event. You kept Daisy on her toes. The teamwork among the other players was great and Daisy got to face her first Dracolich!! I look forward to the next event.
Alaunlith • Amethyst • Aolinn • Craven • Daisy • Isobel • Jocelyn • Rosalind • Tisiphone • Zirzabett

Thank you for the last Red Event.  I had a lot of fun!  

Mystic Warden

sornduskryn Avatar
Thank you  for the last Red Event.  I had a lot of fun!  
+1 to that! It was great fun. :)
Sindel Sinul, witch, herbswoman and tarot reader extraordinaire with a strong business sense
Diana Castelli, cute bookworm, arcane nerd, with the 'Weapon focus: book' feat
Vicky DeVille, daddy's princess, conjuring up some trouble
Melinda Moon, merc with a mouth and two tonfa-hilted short swords


Big thanks to @belladonna for Arduinna's event the other night. Despite complications that put a crunch on time, the event was still very enjoyable and had me on the edge of my seat. It was a blast, and I look forward to the next.


Much thanks to DM Dumpster Fire for his help with my characters yesterday!


A big thank you for all the staff that puts in the work for the players. You're awesome.


Wanted to do a quick shout-out to the builders/scripters/admins of the server. You've all been putting a tremendous amount of work in keeping the server fresh with new goodies for us to enjoy as well as fixing bugs and problems. I think it's fair to say that you guys do as much work as paid game devs, and this is just volunteer. Thank you for all you do.


Thank you Adm gywnbleidd for taking us through the scary pocket plane of horribes the undying monster of death was awesome and the creepy little girl was a very neat story.