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Hak Update suggestions

Started by allatum, May 10, 2017, 06:08 PM

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LittleModronWhoCould Avatar
A friend of mine put together some really nice clothing options a while back.

Robe Based Armors
Robe Based Armors 2
Pelt Cloaks
Oof yes, pls.


LittleModronWhoCould Avatar
A friend of mine put together some really nice clothing options a while back.

Robe Based Armors
Robe Based Armors 2
Pelt Cloaks
These are awesome but not compatible with mounted/jousting phenos are not 100% compatible with combat animations, to my very great sadness. :( They are great if you just want basic clothing though.


Any robe, to work properly, has to have a version for each race, and each phenotype of said race.  (Each combat animation variation is a different phenotype)
On top of that, due to some edits to base animation .mdl files on CD, I'm not sure that added robes would even animate properly.  In general I have avoided adding any more robe models, as putting them in properly is just too much work, and I lack the programs or ability with said programs to fix them if they fail to animate.
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel

Mystic Warden

I think it could be useful to add Gather Information to the list of skills available. It would come very handy when somebody would do some snooping around or gathering local rumors, or trying to find somebody using connections, etc. which is usually an important part of many adventures.
Sindel Sinul, witch, herbswoman and tarot reader extraordinaire with a strong business sense
Diana Castelli, cute bookworm, arcane nerd, with the 'Weapon focus: book' feat
Vicky DeVille, daddy's princess, conjuring up some trouble
Melinda Moon, merc with a mouth and two tonfa-hilted short swords


Gather Information was rolled into Diplomacy in 3.5 and beyond, which is renamed to Persuade in NWN. Just use that. =)
Kestal | Bernadette | Eden | Tonya | Vaszayne | Koravia | Alastriona | Natascha | Emari | Urilias-Zhjaeve | Hiltrude | Tatya | Dioufn | Aida | Cyrillia | Megan | etc.
DM Tiamat | Szuriel | Maedhbh | Cassilda


Just to collect a few things we've discussed before that could happen during the PrC rebalance:

*Bard Proficiency should count as prequeq for Heartwarder, to reflect that PnP requires whip proficiency
*Bard Proficiency should also count for the weapon feats (focus, et al) that it would qualify.
*Bladesinger (maybe) a full progression caster? <3
*Divine Seeker - Has fighter bonus feats as bonus feats, should be roguely feats at the least, maybe the rogue bonus feats?? Also consider making it akin to the Arcane Trickster of divine casters, and add divine casting progression.
*Heartwarder is -really squishy with a d4 hit die. Could maybe make it d6?

*Straggler from pre-3.0 update: Weapon AC bonus to shield AC, rather than deflection AC


To be fair half the current robes I've tried using don't work with the custom animations anyway...

With that in mind, what model parts do work? Is it only Robes that malfunction?
Cause I could happily sit and refit models to different sets...

It would just be awesome to have some more clothing options that are... clothes... and/or... not nudity.


It's just robes that have issues with them.
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel


Ahh sweet... when I look into the design work I'll try and go for non-robe parts.


yhcrana Avatar
To be fair half the current robes I've tried using don't work with the custom animations anyway...

With that in mind, what model parts do work? Is it only Robes that malfunction?
Cause I could happily sit and refit models to different sets...

It would just be awesome to have some more clothing options that are... clothes... and/or... not nudity.
As someone whose PC needs to remain covered at all times I appreciate you.


M-Maybe... we could... appreciate each-other... D-Dingo Sempai?


yhcrana Avatar
M-Maybe... we could... appreciate each-other... D-Dingo Sempai?


A bit of a selfish request, but since there aren't any really druid-specific PrCs currently on CD, I'd like to present a possibility.

Tender of Worlds - a planar druid.

The template is from the unofficial resource Legends & Lairs: Portals & Planes. I can send a copy to anyone who wants to read it.

The only implementation I've seen of it is on SPL, here:

It's a pretty fun class to play. Admittedly more RP-oriented but it has some interesting uses in certain plots.

Anyway, no biggie if it's not in the cards, but I thought I'd put it forward to give druids a PrC of their own that isn't too OP.
"Hello, dashings and darlings!" - Melody


Druids do have Shifter, which increases their caster level and spells known now.



Nokteronoth Avatar
Druids do have Shifter, which increases their caster level and spells known now.

True! I really appreciate the fixes for them. That said, it's not a bad idea to have more than one PrC option tailored for specific classes. Diversity is good!
"Hello, dashings and darlings!" - Melody